View Full Version : Been A while

25-06-13, 02:51
Hi everyone
its been awhile since i've posted, I am still going through my panick Attacks but no where near what i use to go through, but when I do, whether they are mild or extreme its still scary.

My question is, why does my panic attacks always seem to be triggered by an upset stomach, it seems when I start getting that, i feel panicky and then turns into one, does this happen to anyone else?

I know most likely only i maybe able to answer this, but I wished I could, I suppose it could be associating feeling sick with Heart Attack...

Just Curious :shrug:

Thanks Everyone

25-06-13, 03:02
You know, maybe the upset stomach is a symptom of your rising anxiety and not the trigger of it...

I say that because I've always carried stress, and felt it first in my stomach and now I have severe stomach problems due to stress and anxiety. I wonder if maybe your stomach acting up is just you noticing the first signs of stress coming on?

Once I feel my stomach go, I know, whether I was aware that I was upset about something or not, that something's going on or coming up. I don't know if that's helpful or not! Either way, I hope it eases up :)

Regina x

25-06-13, 08:28
Hi I also get upset stomach with panic and anxiety :)

25-06-13, 08:34
I tend to agree with Regina,
Very often we get automatic negative thoughts, we cannot stop them and often do not even recognise them. These thoughts will cause a physical reaction and often this is felt first in the stomach. You may then notice the stomach sensation and then add fear as you then start to fear what will happen next thus causing the panic to grow.

25-06-13, 19:18
I have ponderd over this myself, as mine used to make me feel full like i couldn't breath. I'd pull my tummy in without even noticing at times, which I concluded would obviously restrict my breathing.

I'm still unsure if it's a symptom of panic, or is a problem that causes me to panic???