View Full Version : Heart Attack Fears

25-06-13, 09:20
Hi everyone,

I was proud of myself for merely a few weeks of not thinking anything was wrong with me...but it's back with a vengeance.

Since yesterday I've been feeling really out of it and my left leg started hurting. Then came a very heavy, dull chest pain. Once the heaviness went away the burning set in and my left arm started to feel weird, along with terrible indigestion. I couldn't eat at all yesterday.

I Finally got to sleep only to be woken up by pain and burning and this feeling that something is wrong.

I am a 25 yr old female of normal weight with no history of heart disease, but my diet is crap. I walk at least 3 miles 2 days a week.

Am I nuts?

25-06-13, 09:53
The chest pain is most likely related to the indigestion - I get this too.

It may be worth having a chat with your doctor about it though and they may prescribe something to help with the indigestion to see if that helps the chest pain

25-06-13, 11:20
ive been getting this, back pain, chest pain, leg pain, fatigue, so worried x

25-06-13, 19:20
I went to my GP this morning and he is convinced that it's just indigestion. I just feel so weird and out of it and my head and heart keep pounding with any little bit of activity. I'm getting worried that he may have misdiagnosed. I took the medicine he prescribed earlier too and no relief.


25-06-13, 19:47
What was the medication?

25-06-13, 20:31

25-06-13, 21:45
Try Ranitidine, or Omeprazole :-)

I get this aswell and had horrific chest pains, burning, thought It was worse :-)

Cut out anything spicy, fried, fresh bread, try to work out your triggers... doughnuts etc are particularily bad, wine , alcohol xxx

25-06-13, 22:15
Hi Craftnerd,

I have chest pain and it is indigestion. Got Ranitidine and Domperidone and it is working. Give the meds time and trust your doc.

26-06-13, 02:04
Thanks everyone.

I am trying to trust my doctor, the indigestion just won't let up. I made the mistake of consulting Dr.Google and found out that many women get warning signs months in advance and are often misdiagnosed so I'm sitting her freaking out over it.

Ugh. Having anxiety is just the worst.

26-06-13, 03:53
Have you ever had a heart check-up? If not it might be worth getting one since it would reassure you at least, if the symps don't ease up. But at your age it's very unlikely to be cardiac, and if it's any consolation I've had all those symps and worse, and they still told me my heart was okay. Granted, it has to work kinda hard because there's something else wrong with me, but docs still weren't concerned.