View Full Version : Panic Attack or Not??

25-06-13, 10:25
I was out for lunch yesterday, I had a slightly larger lunch than normal and returned to work.

About 2.30 in the afternoon I started to get pains in my chest, by the time I got home I felt tired and I was getting pain in my left arm.

I took a propanalol and lay down for half an hour, the chest pain subsided but today I am left with slight pain in my arm.

I have taken painkillers this morning and another propanalol, pain has not shifted so far

Whats your views, I have made an appointment with the Doctor and am seeing him on Thursday morning.

Have I had indigestion and started to panic and had a panic attack as well.


25-06-13, 12:38
Hi Trixi,

It could be indigestion, but I'm no doctor. Personally, if that was me, I wouldn't take the risk and try to get an emergency appointment or go to A & E. It's better to feel like a right nana than mess with your health. xxx

If you're not sure about that, could you ring NHS Direct and see what they think?

Please come back and let us know you're ok xxx

25-06-13, 13:29
I get chest pains like this all the time. It was probably caused by your big lunch. I've had arm aches too with chest pain. Try to relax, you'll be fine.

10-07-13, 15:40
Hi Guys,

Been to the doctors today and she thinks that even although I take fluoxetine, that my anxiety has flared up.

She has given me propanalol to try for the next few weeks, something that has helped me before. She has also given me some tablets for heartburn and acid.

Over the past few days it has been horrible, I keep breaking out in sweats, pains in my arm and side of my chest, my last one today was so sore i could feel it pulsing in my neck, it stopped after 10 mins or so, but now I feel like I am living on edge and just waiting on the next one :(

Not feeling in a good place just now


10-07-13, 15:46
Aw bless you, have a [gentle] hug... :hugs: xx