View Full Version : Women with anxiety, help?

25-06-13, 11:58
:weep:So, the past frew days I have been experiencing attacks like clock work. Usually sometime during the middle of the day, then again at night.
I suffer from severe anxiety/panic disorder. I also have severe insomnia, & a drinking problem.
I have had all the symptoms you can think of when it comes to these disorders, but recently, I have been experiencing nausea, headaches, and no menstrual period. I don't know, if this could be something else, or if this is something common when have a severe episode.
I would appreciate some feedback.
Pls, and thank you. :weep:

25-06-13, 12:30
Hi Merissa,

Stress can easily make your periods stop, although you can still get all the cramps and rubbish that go with it. Are you eating ok? Is there a possibility you could be pregnant (sorry to be so personal!)

Anxiety and panic attacks can cause the headaches and nausea too. What medication are you on? xxx

26-06-13, 07:13
I have been eating fine. I have just been having weird pains in my stomach. & my head has been throbbing. & I will get random attacks out of the blue. I really don't know why it's doing this all the sudden. & I take 1mg of Xanax. Twice a day or as needed. I have been out for some time.. Could that play into it? Or is it something else? I have taken 2 pregnancy tests, they were negative.. So? I really don't know.