View Full Version : Whats the best way to help with panic attacks ?

07-10-06, 09:13
Hi everyone,

I suffer from panic attacks, and would like to know if there is any product out there on the internet that helps with this problem, I have tried a few.

What would you recommend ?

Thanks in advance


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07-10-06, 09:19
Hi Chedder

Have you tried Resue Remedy? I dont know how it does it but it seems to take away that nervous feeling that you get before a panic attack. You can get it from any chemist or boots.

Sarah xxxx

07-10-06, 10:01
the best way to deal with panic attacks is just go with the flow i found counting the alphabet over and over again helped me out just keep thinking it will soon pass i am on sertraline for panic attacks and they havnt been too bad i still get stressed but i keep thinking to myself i will get better and i will be back to my normal self dont worry we are all on here to help each other take care and you can always chat to me about anything i am also going for counciling and it does me the world of good take care mazza

mrs m bevis

07-10-06, 11:34
hiya, try anxiety management classes, once you know whats happening to you, it does help. i also take rescue remedy, it does seem to take the "edge" off.
take care

07-10-06, 13:16
hi chedder

i take rescue remedy too and am on meds for my anxiety and panic which is helping somewhat, but if you panic try not to be too frightened by it as that makes it worse, just let it pass

all the best

mandy xx

positive attitude brings positive results

07-10-06, 14:41
i do breathing exercises

lavender is good for calm
i know someone who wears a drop of lavender oil by her ear


the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past

07-10-06, 16:29
I find breathing exercises and distraction best if I start to feel panicky, but in the midst of a full-blown attack I rely on others to talk to me and try to reassure me- I lose all control over my own thoughts so need a 'normal' person to calm me down!

Clearly rescue remedy is worth a try and works with lots of people but it didn't help me so don't put all your hopes on it.

Hope you're feeling ok at the moment and can enjoy the weekend.

PM me anytime. Lucy:)

07-10-06, 17:11
I suffered from panic attacks for many years and am now completely recovered. I found a combination of treatments were needed to beat the condition. I used certain medications such as Valium if I was having a really bad attack and then natural remedies like Rescue and aromatherapy oils and such like for staying calm and dealing with anxiety. I also took anti-depressants which I looked on as a vitamin for my nerves - they didn't help immediately but over time they definitely worked. There was no ONE instant remedy and you have to try various things and see what works for you.
I made notes of the steps I took to beat this condition. If you email me at becky@imaginet.co.za I will send them to you.

07-10-06, 17:29
Hi ,
I use Bachs remedy also,Its seems to help a little

The thing that seems to working for me at the moment is changing my thought pattern, im trying to think positive thoughts instead of negative thoughts while i am out and about.



08-10-06, 01:00
Thats great guys/gals, thanks for all ur help, I will give those a try.


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