View Full Version : Just need some good advice please

25-06-13, 13:19
I have had the worst two years of my life. I lost my baby at 37 weeks to a cord accident and then my health anxiety has went crazy. I never had health anxiety till then. Now I am a mess, my fear is cancer not only me getting it but my kids. The counceller said I shifted my fear to my kids because I cant control what happened to my baby but I can control what happens to them. My fear right now is my son, hes 15 very active but seems not right. I posted before that he has had foamy urine and yellow tinged eyes ( you cant notice the yellow in his eyes unless you really look hard). He has had blood work once a month for the last 4 months just because his bilirubin level was high, but they were not concerned because all his other blood tests were good and his bilirubin has now returned to normal. Then he has this lump just above his ankle so the doctor sent him for a bone scan, the scan said it must have been a fracture due to his playing sports and was not properly treated. I think they called it a salter harris fracture or a tug leasion. But I just don't feel right I feel there is something more wrong, he seems a bit sluggish and doesn't seem to have all that crazy energy that he normally has, though I hear that is normal for teenage boys. I really would love to hear what people think I should do, I just don't want to miss something. I want to ask the doctor to give him a chest x ray or do another ultrasound just to make sure there is nothing hiding somewhere. He had a kidney ultrasound because of his foamy urine and it came back fine. They said that kids who are active usually have protein in there urine, but I just don't know what to do anymore. I am driving myself crazy. Also it seems like everyone I know is getting cancer. I am 35 and keep hearing about people getting cancer one lady I know started with breast cancer she was told she beat it and 4 years later its in her bones and liver. Another one lost her husband to cancer a few years ago and now she has it. I cant keep thinking if I am next in line!! I hate living with this fear.

25-06-13, 14:34
I sympathise with you Lisa , what you are going through is not nice at all but by the sounds of things the doctors have done every check on your son that could determine that anything was wrong with him. If there was something seriously wrong with your son , an abnormality of some sort would have appeared on one of the tests conducted on him, especially on blood tests, adolescence is a hard time , with all kinds of weird things going on and it can worry us all , myself included I had some vey strange goings on during adolescence. I still have health anxiety to this day , but I try to live as healthily as possible and keep very fit . There are near certainties in this life , and many unexpected things happen , some good , some bad but believe that one thing is for sure , that Christ loves us all , since I found him my anxiety has plummeted , god bless x

25-06-13, 22:18
anyone else please?

26-06-13, 00:36
I was just trying to help , I'm sorry I was of no use

27-06-13, 01:58
hi lisak789, I wouldn't worry about the bilirubin result, I always have an elevated bilirubin count because I have a condition called gilberts syndrome, this condition is NON life threatening and usually causes no symptoms apart from a high bilirubin count. I have health anxiety too but the high bilirubin count doesn't worry me, as long as your sons other tests have come back fine im sure he will be ok as something would have shown up in the tests.
Your son sounds like a normal healthy typical teenager. Is your son complaining he feels ill?