View Full Version : eye floaters

25-06-13, 16:52
just lately i hve been seeing eye floaters one big one that travels through the center of my right eye. 3 shadowy but eyefloaters in my left. ive been freakingout that im going blind. i get single cell floaters that looks like blood cells floating down when in bright light. im 26 ive had this for over a week. im freaking out i dont want to be blind when i asked my gf's doctor he didnt seem concerned . anyone had similar experiences?

25-06-13, 17:06
I am in a similar situation. It is freaky but I try to control it my fear.
My doc told me that it is not dangerous at all, in fact most people have them rather frequently but we anxiety sufferers notice every little new thing in our body and reacts. It is almost as if our hyper alerted selves has become a broken fire alarm that tells us that the whole house is on fire when there are a couple of lid candles on the dining table

25-06-13, 17:26
so im not going blind? they got worse when i became ocd in chasing them. now in bright light i see single cell floaters raining down. might have had floaters for a long time but becoming aware of them made it worse

25-06-13, 17:29
I have loads since my 2011 breakdown and there still here really anoying I had loads of tests all norm im sure yours are aswell perhaps see an optician to put your mind at rest is my advice

25-06-13, 17:50
I actually have an eye floater in my right eye that I always see when I look into the sky, or at a white screen or wall. I also see light flashes, and weird blobs of colour like red and green that float around when my eyes are closed. I've had all of this for over 2 years and I'm still fine. Honestly, don't worry about it. :)

25-06-13, 17:54
Yeah I have the flashes aswell and blue blobs of light lol not much fun but harmless :-D

25-06-13, 17:55
ive been told could be retinal detatchment which scares the hell out of me. im worried that im going to get loads of floaters. i notice 5 in my left eye freaking me out

25-06-13, 17:58
Just go and book an eye optician I thought that when it happened to me :-) im sure you be fine

25-06-13, 18:08
i gotta wait till thursday but it's killing me i don't want to go blind :{

25-06-13, 18:30
I bet you will not go blind :-)

Rachel W
27-06-13, 08:10
Retinal detachment is accompanied by lightening flashes and even a curtain over some of your vision. I got loads of floaters when I felt sick after eating some chocolate. I forced myself to throw up as i felt so sick. When I looked up I had little petechae around my eyes and then a few days later I go the floaters. I think that the force of the vomiting may have loosened debris, or forced the gel away from my retina (which usually happens when you are a but older). Stress can also cause floaters.

They are quite annoying but your body gets used to them. I am still trying to find ways to reduce them though. It has been 2 years and i hope that my body starts at least breaking them down. :(

27-06-13, 11:37
I have eye floaters in 1 eye. I ran off to an eye specialist of course. :winks: He told me that eye floaters are harmless and he has them himself. I asked "what do you do about them because they annoy me when I'm reading"? He said "I just flick them out of the way and get on with it." So this is what I do now when they get in the way of my reading.

29-06-13, 16:15
I've had floaters since I was a child. The only vision problem I have is myopia. Floaters for 15-20 years and I still have my vision. In fact, they provide mild amusement to me when I try to chase them around.

If all you have are floaters, you have nothing to worry about.

29-06-13, 16:36
I have a retinal problem and I've been told to look out for streams of floaters, flashes of light and that 'veil' coming down over my vision. Even though I am quite high risk for actual problems with my sight, I'm fine years on from the original diagnosis and treatment. Every so often I get panicky. If you are in the UK, go to your optician (I'm at Specsavers, they are brilliant but I think everywhere will screen you well these days). They actually spotted the problem last time it happened and sent me to hospital, and even though I DO have holes in my retina, the specialist wasn't concerned and it STILL isn't going to send me blind. You get a lot of warning. A few floaters is perfectly normal.

Mr m anxious
29-06-13, 17:28
Everyone has floaters but only we notice them.
Great description by kasperhm by he way...lol