View Full Version : Who else never feels 'normal'?

25-06-13, 17:43
Ugh...I cant believe I am back here, I thought I had this beat!

I used to post a lot, always worried about cancers of some sort, then I got better. Then this year, I found out I had a congentital heart defect and recently had surgery to sort it out. Since then my anxiety is crazy.

I NEVER feel okay for more than a few minutes at a time.

If I dont have a tension headache, I feel woozy and dizzy and totally out of it. I often wake up with a headache and it continues all day.

Right now I have a swollen gland on the back of my neck, which I am worried about. I touch and feel it hundreds of times a day to see if it is hard or soft, movable, if it has grown etc...

What is wrong with me??? Why can I not just leave it alone and just feel normal.

I am so tired :(

25-06-13, 18:54
Sorry to hear of your problems karlyo.

That`s what happens sadly when a person suffers from anxiety.

It can come back. I`ve had it on and off for years. This time I`m finding it harder to cope with. I thought the past 2 weeks I was getting better. Then last night while relaxing watching tv the fast heartbeats etc returned. Today I have been struggling.

Hopefully, you will get better soon again.

25-06-13, 19:26
Hi hope your ok from your operation?

I'm exactly the same , I'm pregnant at the minute soo I suppose if I feel weird there's an explanation but still even before being pregnant I'd have periods of feeling simple weired, dizzy, unwell etc. I was only saying to my mum this morning, that I'd love to wake up JUST once , feeling normal!

In fact I think I'd freak out if I woke up feeling 'normal' it's been a while:wall:

25-06-13, 19:30
Yep same with me x

26-06-13, 06:51
I asked myself.this question today. I've been back on a health anxiety whirlwind for the past 3 months now (at least I hope that's all it is). Im trying to work on it but I get daily reminders from my body. Pains, aches, cough, shortness of breath. With each symptom, my HA has worst case scenarios waiting next in line.
You're not alone in how you feel.

26-06-13, 07:30
I never feel normal anymore either it seems.. /:

26-06-13, 11:24
I'm always quoting my psych but I asked him on Monday would I have the HA for the rest of my life and he said yes but I would be able to manage better. Sorry you are not feeling the best.

26-06-13, 12:35
I'm beginning to wonder what 'feeling normal' was ever like. For months I have felt in pain, dizzy, odd, dommed, etc.

I have the occasional hour or two per week where I say 'oh. No pain or symptoms', but it is very rare indeed.

I am ever hopeful that I will wake up one day and my anxiety has gone.

semper solus
26-06-13, 14:04
I think the only time I feel normal is when I am asleep or on holiday in a nice warm country.

26-06-13, 15:18
I always question why can I feel normal just for a day at least, it's so stupid that I feel so ill all the time and tired due to constant worry about pains in my body. I always think about the times when I felt normal and it makes me feel worse. I just wish the dizziness, feeling faint or feeling like I'm going to die would just go away but the only time I feel normal is when I'm sleeping cos you can't feel pain

26-06-13, 18:11
Im so glad it isnt just me.

I thought that having the heart problem and surgery would help me in a way, because I actually did have something wrong with me, and I was able to cope with it, but it hasnt worked that way. I just see that as a minor issue and think that all the cancers etc I worry about are much worse and I wouldnt be able to cope.

The tension headache is such a nasty thing, especially when you wake up with it. I am not googling now but I did in the past so I know that pain worse in the morning is a brain tumour symptom so of course I cant stop thinking about that.

I am on the waiting list for CBT but I want to get better now. I feel this is ruining my enjoyment of life.

Does anyone else wake up anxious and wonder what symptoms they might have that day? I do this and I bet that this behaviour actually gives me symptoms I otherwise might not have had!!