View Full Version : So afraid I am dying or something ,please respond

25-06-13, 19:55
From 2011 I have noticed my left eye feeling slightly weird first it would itch then be crusty in the mornings and on my eyelashes, only my left eye and it would get watery but i would use hygiene eyedrops. Gradually my eye became painful and now it looks like i have a droopy eye on my left eye only, around that area there is pain on the eyebrow area and cheek as well. During 2011 and 2012 i have been to 4 different eye doctors with all of them looking in my eye and telling me the same thing that i have allergies and sinus isses going on and they said i must get rid of what im allergic too and live in a clean dust free enviroment, it is impossible for me because as soon as i step outdoors my eye starts to like swell and pain so bad that i cant take it. The doctors gave me eyedrops, eye ointments, antibiotics, sinus tablets but nothing has helped. I am so scared i have a tumor growing in my eye or something, my eye is even showing in photos that it is swollen and does not look right, it is scarying me and im refraining from taking any more photos. Nobody in my family has noticed my eye become this way and they do not care no matter how much i tell them how its hurting. It is like i am alone here :( i am so scared i have a tumor growing in my eye or brain tumor or eye cancer im so very afraid as it is only affecting my left side. I am due to see another eye doctor in july and i hope whatever is wrong is not something serious where ill lose my eye or sight :((( god how will i live, im 26 and i havent had a good life so far so this could just be the icing on the cake and my whole life will go down :( i know it, constantly i am in pain and i dont know how this happened and why it looks so swollen and my eyeball feels hard at times and red :((( it cant be sinus or allergies because that is not bad i mean the pain like this

25-06-13, 22:37
I have quite a lot of allergies and believe me if come into contact with any of them my eyelid and eyeball can swell right up and become very painful.

I doubt very much if 4 doctors are wrong.

Have you had any allergy test done.

30-06-13, 01:31
:hugs:Melisha, I have allergies all year round and sinus issues and everything you describe is what i get. Im alergic to dust, dust mites, grasses, pollens.... today, my forehead feels like someone is on the inside trying to punch their way out, its really uncomfortable and sore. The antibotics are only going to work if there is an infection, sinusitis does not mean there is an infection, it can just be the insides of the membranes that are reacting to the irritant and making it swell so don't be afraid because its not working. If you are blowing your nose and its green or yellow, you have an infection. When I blow my nose (when I can) the mucous is so thick and white and much like a glue rather than the regular runny mucous ( I know TMI - sorry). The antihistamines, its a matter of trial and error, what works for one person may not work for you so if that one is not working try another. Claratyne, Telfast - I use claratyne and that works for me. I also use a nasal spray called Nasonex. Its brilliant, ask your dr if it is available where you are. I really do know how you're feeling because I remember when I was first told I had sinus problems like it was yesterday I remember it so clearly, I would have been around 23 Im 41 now. I know what you mean by the eye thing, feelng swollen, it really, honestly is only your sinus' I get that with my right eye. No one is symetrical so even though you notice that its not in line with the other eye, its not because there is something wrong with you, its because you're not symetrical like 99.999% of the population. Do something for me, think about your finger..... think about how it feels... think about the blood running through your finger.... the way it feels when you touch something.... have you noticed that before, have you noticed how your finger suddenly comes to life.... when you concentrate on something, you tend to notice things more than you usually would. Please beleive me when I tell you - it really IS only your sinus' you really are NOT dying and you really are fine. We're just really sensitive to the sensations in our bodies and notice things more than others who experience the same things but don't say anything because to them its a normal bodily function.... big hugs to you xxx

03-07-13, 19:03
A tumour growing in your eye would be very simple top spot. You haven't described anything which sounds serious to me.

04-07-13, 10:36
First, incase you don't know anyone without one, and dwelling on thinking that you will BE one is causing you your anxiety: A buddy of mine lost an eye the hard way - accident with screwdriver - when he was a teenager. According to him, he didn't even know he lost it when he came to in the hospital. To this day he lives a utterly 100% normal life and looks completely normal. You'd never guess he has one eye, and it is not a thought in his life.

I tell you that because I am wondering if your anxiety about your eye is due to you thinking that if all your fears are true (they won't be though) and you lost an eye, it would be a significant difference in quality of life..

I can't tell you what is wrong with you eye. I would say that the Doctors know a lot more then me, so you just have to trust them?

But if this has been a issue for you since 2011- it isn't some malignant tumor that is going to be your end.

Malignant tumors don't sit around, and something very serious like that would not pass the notice of four doctors.

I know it is impossibly hard to not be worried, and I feel for you, but it will be okay. You are not going to die.

10-07-13, 00:23
I,like you, have a serious test with tumors. Have u had a complete eye exam with an eye Dr? They can check your eye pressures and if something was growing around or behind your eye, they could tell. I cant tell you not to worry, because I worry about everything. Had this eye exam done when I was worried about a brain tumor and he told me everything was absolutely perfect. Hope this helps some.