View Full Version : new and need help !

25-06-13, 20:24
Hi all ,

I have been suffering for anxiety now for 5 years and don't normally talk to people as i feel they don't understand , which is why i am here ! If i can find someone to talk to who understands maybe i wont feel so alone in it all .

I worry all the time , about life , new situations , the future , what people think , and all my thoughts are negative , i can only picture bad things happening. Everyday is a struggle to fight my extreme anxiety . And i'm exhausted ! My mind is always working overtime with worry , my heart beats fast , i shake , i get stomach pains and headaches all the time and have an awful lump in my throat that i cant get rid of .

Anxiety is ruining my life !

Does anyone know how this feels ? What has helped you deal with anxiety ?

25-06-13, 21:30
Hi Ellie

telling it to **** off helps a bit....I shout at it to leave me alone (only when no-one is there or they'd think I was mad) lol
When I feel really bad I try to distract myself by doing a task that requires concentration, like cleaning out the car, or reading. I challenge my thoughts....to see if they are facts or not.
My thoughts seem to have meshed into feelings more than thoughts now so are less specific and challenging them seems a bit harder.
I have tried to postpone worries to a worry time and have managed to do this a few times but it takes lots of practise.
I keep saying positive affirmations such as 'every day in every way I am getting better' and try being positive and that all helps.
I'm feeling great now but was crying earlier.....so am trying to keep up again!!!
I am determined to beat this beast....good luck with your fight too x

25-06-13, 22:25
Hi Ellie,

I sure do know what you are talking about and how you feel. Hellish isn`t it.

A constant battle.

I have nearly finished cbt and that`s helping a bit. I listen to relaxation videos on you- tube.

Going to try some of Chantelle`s tips too

25-06-13, 22:54
Yes I know how it feels, I sympathise with anyone going through the same, its horrible.

25-06-13, 22:59
Hi ellie you have come to the right place i have joined up here yesterday. Amd i am very familiar with one of the other members saying to it to ***** off. I could normally be doing something quite enjoyable and then WHAM negative thoughts. And i would be saying either verbally or sub verbally to get out or go away. Thing was i was doing this before i was diagnosed with PTSD and depression. So at times i thought i was going crazy.

But understanding and therapy all helps. And it helps to talk about things.

Hope this goes a way for you to understand and that you can get a handle on things :welcome:

25-06-13, 23:26
I find it hard talking about it too. I can talk to my boyfriend about it and also my Mum as she's been through it, but it doesn't stop me feeling alone. I'm hoping talking about to people on here who also know what's it like will help me in some way. I hate to dwell on it though and don't wanna feel like I'm going on about it all the time.

28-06-13, 11:17
Hey ,

Thanks guys :) I do try to do positive affirmations , but its hard when you actually don't believe what your are saying ! But I am going to try to tell it to **** off more instead of letting it take over me ! I am going to have cbt again soon , does anyone else get fed up of the fact that its a lot of worksheets ?

Schnook , I know exactly how you feel . I Have a lovely mum and boyfriend who try their best but like you I don't want to bring them down with my problems . You just want to escape and try and forget sometimes don't you . So we can all talk to each other and that will help !

I'm hoping to get good tips off this site and will just keep continuing my fight as I always do , even though it does feel like you take one step forward and then two back !

I hope everyone else's fight gets easier for them ! x :hugs:

28-06-13, 12:03
Hi Ellie
just re-read your post and laughed to myself....where did the brave chantelle go??? I am just going to tellmy anxiety to **** off as it's been trying to bring me down all day so far,but I AM NOT GOING TO LET IT WIN!!!!!!!
Hope ur feeling a bit better xxx

28-06-13, 15:39
Chantelle we all have days that are harder than others ! I tell myself positive affirmations too and sometimes they work in changing my frame of mind.

Finding this site and other people like me has made me feel better thanks :)