View Full Version : Over-agitated and jumping to conclusions

25-06-13, 23:43
Any tips for how to deal with getting really over-agitated and worried about a situation and its outcome before you have all of the information?

Today I was trying to sort out a social event that is part of a trip I'm going on and at first I thought a friend wouldn't go with me and the alternative was getting my ex to put me in contact with their friends who were going to the event so I wouldn't be alone. I was also worried about transportation/logistics. I got really hyped up, started thinking lots of negative things about my friend for not wanting to go with me, and got a fast pulse, couldn't sit still, and couldn't calm down in general. It turned out that the friend just needed help paying for the event's ticket and wanted to go with me after all, so everything was fine and I put myself through a sort of manic state for no reason.

I think this kind of episode is really hard on me physically and mentally. The whole time I was aware that I was hyped up (not aware that it was needless, until later) but I still couldn't calm down. After it was solved, I was still really anxious feeling and gave myself a stomach/headache. I knew I was anxious and I kept telling myself so and trying to calm my breathing (which I'm bad at doing) but it didn't really help. I felt bad for hours.

Has anyone experienced this? What can I try the next time it happens to not waste so much energy and freak out before a predicament has time to be sorted out?