View Full Version : Oral Cancer?? I am freaking out

26-06-13, 00:48
Hi guys. I'm a 16 year old female and I am freaking out. Okay so I used to smoke cigarettes but recently I quit. I've been worried about oral cancer and gum disease. I looked up the symptoms of oral cancer and the only symptoms I have are an ear ache, a sore throat, and my neck hurt. ( my sore throat isn't bad though) anyways, I also have a very bad pain in my lower left gum. It might be my wisdom teeth but I don't see the teeth yet, I only feel pain and its red and kind of swollen. I'm afraid it might have to do with oral cancer. I can also feel my lymph nodes in my neck but they're not swollen but I can feel them. I am really scared idk what to do. I'm afraid if I tell my mom she 1, won't care or 2, will ask me if I smoke or have previously smoked and then I'd get in a lot of trouble. But I guess getting in trouble is way better than taking the risk of having oral cancer. My brother said I'm just over reacting but idk I really need some support because I have no body. :(

26-06-13, 12:46
Really very very unlikely to be oral cancer at your age, just cos you smoked a bit. It sounds imo like you have a tooth coming up or at worst an abscess. Take a trip to your doctor or dentist (my friend had a wisdom tooth coming up that got a bit infected and gave her pain all over the place; she needed a course of antibiotics), but please don't get too worried about oral cancer. Buy some lottery tickets instead...if you were old enough for that either haha.

26-06-13, 16:14
Without an obvious tumour present, those symptoms are unlikely to appear as first signs. Especially being so young, cancer would get worse very quickly, and you'd become severely ill, very quickly! I would say the odds of you having oral cancer are virtually nil. However, it does sound like you have a minor infection, and I would recommend you see a dentist about it.

26-06-13, 17:42
hope you are not going to get a toothache or gum infection as that would be a bummer, i am sure that your symptoms are nothing to worry about well done for stopping smoking it will increase your health so much so try not to worry but you could always see your dentists he/she will keep you on the right path re gum issues might need a hygenist appointment blessings