View Full Version : Randomly feeling like im buzzing off a drug?

26-06-13, 03:03
Hi guys, just wondering if anyone has experienced this or has any idea what it might be.

Basically recently I have been having these odd feelings, where I start feeling like im gradually coming up off a drug, my head and body feels slightly light and my eyes are wide, i feel completely wired, I feel like im rushing off a drug and I start to feel sick when the buzzing/rushing gets really intense. If anyone's ever taken Ecstasy it feels kind of like coming up on that or kind of like a very extreme hit of caffeine except you having got energy, its just your head that is buzzing. Sounds weird I know. For some reason I imagine it to be the lead up to some sort of fit or seizure and guess thats what it may feel like leading up to it. But that is just my health anxiety talking. It does feel like my brain is going into over drive when it happens though.

Now this is not a panic attack although the symptoms do sound a little like it. I don't have any anxiety at leading up to it and hardly any during it, im just wondering why I feel like this. Obviously I know our anxiety can be subconscious but im not sure that is causing it. The feelings usually last for up to 2 hours, its like ive come up off a drug then it gradually wheres off, its so strange.

Has anyone had this or heard it before? Could it be something to do with hormones? Some sort of imbalance of brain chemicals? Before I start on a mad google search lol. I will go back to my doctor if it continues but there's not a lot of point as anything I go for now is instantly flagged up as anxiety and im sent away.

Any ideas guys?

26-06-13, 13:23
I've deffo had feelings like this, like you say almost as if you're about to have a fit. My eyes have even started feeling twitchy and hard to move, or almost as if my vision is...everything just feels weird. I've also had the 'someone's spiked me with a stimulant' feeling many times. It's just adrenaline. I'll notice my eyes are completely dry, and then I'll notice I've got them wide open like a lunatic. The fit feeling can get very disturbing at times, but the more you focus on it, the worse it gets.

These would be 'limited symptom attacks', where you don't have a full blown panic attack but a few weird symptoms. Once you have panic disorder, you don't have to be anxious at the time to get an attack anyway.

26-06-13, 17:49
Thanks Freaked

It could well be underlying anxiety causing these symptoms and giving me a 'limited symptom attack' like you say but to me it doesn't feel like any sort of attack. I just start feeling drugged up, buzzing and ill and im like what is going on, but im not at all panicky about it.

I will put it down to anxiety for now but Just wondering if it could be anything else and if anyone else has had it because if so it would be nice to have a clue what it might be before I go to the doctors about it. Because if I just go with a random symptoms like this it wont be looked into properly.

26-06-13, 20:33
I would look to your diet first, make sure you are not intaking large amounts of; caffiene, fizzy caffiene drinks, chocolate, lots of sugar, smoking, and any recreational drugs, etc.

If they are discounted then its most likely an adrenaline buzz. I would check with your doctor though, always safe than sorry.

For me I find, this can happen, when over doing the above, I dont take any drugs, but even suger can space you out, caffiene is a definate one, which includes the chocolate aswell. when you say it lasts about two hours and your not feeling anxious, I would say its something you have taken, as adrenaline clears the body within 3 minutes if not anxious.

Another thing could be remembered drug session, as you mentioned ecstacy,
we can remember what went on before, and relive it in the mind, just like any remembered thought, with the body releasing simular chemicals.
Hope that helps