View Full Version : Question!

26-06-13, 07:10
Hey, I have a question guys. I have a hard time to focus on one thing. I have feel like i'm missing something all the time.. I have to be on the computer, have the tv on, be on my phone. I don't know if this is all from anxiety/panic/depression or something different but I have these books on anxiety/panic/hypochondria/fear of going crazy/social anxiety/depression but I can't even focus to read them. I need help really bad because my anxiety has me suicidal and disabled to the point where I can't work, I can't go out with my friends, I mean.. I can't even sit at home without being constant consumed anxiety/depression/panic/phobias. I can't relax in general, however I'm wondering if this is typical anxiety or something else.. Any advice I would be very appreciative of. Thank you for reading!

26-06-13, 08:34
Most sound anxiety symptoms.

Are you getting medical help and have you spoken to someone about your suicidal thoughts.

26-06-13, 09:15
Does any of this not sound like anxiety, panic, or depression? & I am. I've been seeing a therapist, i'm going to a group for anxiety, I just got a few self-help book.. But it doesn't seem like much is helping. I wouldn't necessarily call myself suicidal, I just feel very helpless and hopeless at times because of how much my life, and myself is restricted.

26-06-13, 09:31
I would say it all sounds like anxiety/panic/depression etc. I understand how you feel, keep attending your therapist and group therapy.

I know you cannot see any light at the end of the tunnel, but you will, and keep telling yourself that.

27-06-13, 00:52
Well when I am really anxious I do feel similarly. I do wonder if anybody has ever talked to you about ADD/ADHD as a possibility? Maybe something to ask the therapist? Just another idea to throw out there, as it is quite common and easily treated these days.

27-06-13, 17:55
Yeh it sounds like anxiety. Have you told your doctor the above ?

It's hard to make steps forward when you are anxious, ruminating, can't concentrate. Explain your symptoms and goals to your doc.
Maybe he can give you something to clear your head and help you concentrate.

Get all the help you can. Therapy so you can get your anxieties out to someone. Medication to try and clear your mind a bit so you can focus on improving your and your families situation.

Stop worrying that its something more, it's not.

27-06-13, 18:25
Yes, this could well be anxiety. Anxiety can make your thoughts race and make you feel very restless.

27-06-13, 18:51
I was wondering about ADHD too. I don't see why you couldn't have both that and anxiety, some people are multi-talented. ;) Wouldn't harm to ask.

27-06-13, 19:35
ADHD is a possibility, but that normally develops during childhood, rather than onset in adulthood. It sounds like this is a recent thing for sedohrrrelyt, but if it has been more long-term then it is possible.

It's certainly possible to have ADHD and anxiety, in fact people with ADHD are more prone to anxiety and depression than the general population.

28-06-13, 04:17
That's true, it is typically noticed in childhood. I am by no means trying to diagnose. Something that does happen though is that it can go unnoticed until adulthood in some people (like my husband). Either way, all can be treated.