View Full Version : Breathing problems and yawning ! Pls help

26-06-13, 11:50
Hi Everyone. I'm kinda new here. But Im so stressed at the moment that I can't even work ( I am at work ) so I really hope you can help me. I have Health related anxiety. It's all been pretty manageable for many years. Few month ago I've been going through some stressful time at work and at home and I started having strange symptoms . Started with heart palpitations and then breathing problems . Felt like I couldn't take a deep breath. Like my chest was tight and no matter how hard I tried it just want happening. I got a blood test done and ECG and all was normal ( abt three month ago). It was on and off for a while, palpitations were gone completely but at some point It got really bad that I was signed off work for a while and was given diazepam. Things seenm to get better while I was at home , but now back again, expect I manage to get a deep breath most of the time but I also yawn a lot. Sometimes it doesn't even feel like yawning. More just twisting my mouth. It seems to be all the time and really scares me

I don't know if its related but also in the morning I feel like one side of my back is really congested ( by back I mean lung) and I need to take few deep breaths to clear up. Doctor listen to my chest and back and it seemed clear ,the assumption is that it's just allergy and dust related. Plus it's just been there for a few weeks and my breathing issue had been troubling me since April .

Any suggestion and help will be very appreciated. I have terrible fear that it could be all physical and I have something serious, even though my GP things I'm fine. I am 27, other than that healthy and exercise ( running few times a week)


26-06-13, 12:28
Lara i could of posted this myself, i too have been having troubles like this, and from April.I also had full bloods done, and ECG then and all was normal.
Every single time ive had my lungs/chest listened too, front and back its been fine, last night, all my stats were fine, BP, temps, oxygen, again clear lungs, yet ive been so fatigued, like you i panic when i cant reach a deep breathe and my chest is tight.
My doc gave me diazepam in April and im too scared to take them, which is not OK. There just 2mg.
Im going BACK to the doctor tonight and see if there's something once and for all thy can do to resolve this, as even when im perfectly fine, im getting these symptoms, im 24, smoke the odd ciggy, rarely drink, i walk alot, the odd bit of exercise, yet now i can;t walk far without feeling knackered. These all flared up again when i started my new job, which i have discovered i cannot stand, and dread getting up and going in every day. Im trying self help, relaxation, vitamins, more fluids yet im feeling worst.
I had a laproscopy done in April for endo and im starting to worry it may be something post op related. x

26-06-13, 12:56
Shivmarie, I was also give diazepam 2mg and didn’t want to take it. So far I took only 2 pills, when it was really bad. I don’t know if helped or not, it just makes me sleepy so I go to bed. Honestly I have been to see GP like every week in the last 2 month, so I don’t even want to go any more. Work stress was my trigger as well, which makes me think its probably not physical and really mostly in my head. And also it was on and off, there were weeks when I really felt great, so if It was something serious why it would go away. Obviously here I am just trying to use logic to stop freaking out.:) Let me know what your doctors says , maybe I will go back to see mine as well.

P.S. I was also given antidepressants recently but I don’t want to be taking them. Too many side effects and I am really not depressed, I am genuinely happy. If it wasn’t for this constant fear that something is wrong

26-06-13, 13:05
Yeah i was given anti depressants again i don't want to take those as i too am happy just physically im not feeling great which effects my mood.
If i get rid of this fatigue and chest stuff id be feeling much better, i jsut dont know what tests they do x

26-06-13, 13:16
Good luck . Hopefully your doctor will find a solution .
