View Full Version : Anxiety about travelling

26-06-13, 12:12
Hi everyone! I'm new to this site so please bear with me! :)

I've never really suffered from travel related anxiety until fairly recently. It was about 3 years ago and I was travelling with my parents to Cyprus (I'm 20 now) and felt a bit nauseous and needed to go to the bathroom quite frequently but it was nothing that hadn't happened to me before. However, in the departure gate I gradually got more and more anxious. It climaxed when I got on the plane and felt really very nauseous. This was combined with a feeling of the inability to escape if anything went wrong, or if I felt really ill. I felt sick for the rest of the flight (4.5 hours) and felt nervous but I tried to relax and this helped somewhat. I initially thought it was just normal travel sickness until it started happening nearly every time I travelled. It goes completely if I travel the route fairly frequently (a 50min journey to University).
I'm going to Wimbledon (2 nights) with a University friend tomorrow and obviously I'm really excited about seeing the tennis. I can't help but feel nervous about being on a train to London for a couple of hours (I feel nervous already!). I keep having visions of being sick on the train, or being ill generally in London away from home. We're both catching separate trains to London because we live in different towns, but are meeting up at King's Cross.
I'm trying to be as prepared as I can be, I'm already packed, printed off maps and timetables, got my Rescue Remedy Pastilles and some Kwells.
I hope you can offer me some last minute advice, so I don't have to suffer too much whilst I'm away.

Best wishes :)

26-06-13, 14:30
Hi, I can relate to your post - in fact look a what posted last week:
I know it is no consolation but you ARE NOT alone with these feelings
All the best and hope you get through it OK and have fun!

26-06-13, 17:15
I'm 31 and have travelled far and wide by boat, air, train but when my mum made me go abroad to Ibiza with my brother and dad when I was 20 I remember ( she was a cow to my now husband we didnt have our own house then so was her feelings known) that being a pivotal moment in hindsight as now I've suffered with panic attacks and now a GAD sufferer.

I was pregnant at the time only early on BUT never before have I been sooo scared of flying. Anyway ever since its got progressively worse even on trains and now I've been a GAD sufferer for 2 years not a chance of getting on any of those transport modes, at the moment.

Good for you though, hope it goes well X think of the strawberries

26-06-13, 18:21
Mat74 - I'm so sorry that you had to cancel your holiday. I hope that you can find something to help your panic attacks. It does help to know that other people suffer from this, though I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

Col - Like you, I travelled well before with no nausea (except on boats) but now it's nearly every journey. I can still manage to travel, but this anxiety makes it unpleasant for the entire journey, so I try to block it out until the day I travel. I hope that you find a solution with your GAD. The strawberries are a distraction to all this :)

26-06-13, 22:35
Enjoy & fingers crossed all will be ok :hugs: