View Full Version : It'll get easier right?

26-06-13, 13:24
I'm so depressed and anxious right now :( I know I've been through it before but I hate feeling so hopeless. I've lost my job and fiancé in a matter of a week, and I feel so many things, bad things. I don't want to wallow but everything feels so pointless, like eating, going out...even having a bath. I just want to curl up and not have to deal with the world. I'm so so lost and afraid of the future, anxious about money, will I ever get another job, will I ever be happy again, will I be able to trust again, will I ever get over my mental health issues. I feel hopeless and alone.

26-06-13, 15:08
Hi sorry to hear you are not feeling great, you are not alone although different worries I feel the same as you especially will I ever feel happy again and will I ever have a normal life again. We just have to try and get through each day and move a tiny bit forward, baby steps.

26-06-13, 17:12
I have been in a similar situation with my anxiety, just wanting to curl up and hide in my bed. I also had to leave work because of my anxiety. I am now doing much better and starting to look for other less stressful work. Give yourself time to get better before you think about work. :hugs::hugs:

26-06-13, 17:31
Thanks guys! Yeah my family said to get better first before thinking about work, but I don't know what I'm going to do financially :/ always something to worry about!

26-06-13, 18:08
Hi Pennyjoann,

Just wanted to write a little note to you to say it will get better and it does get better. Sometimes it goes of its own accord as you work through things or with self help and sometimes medication/therapy really help you to get your anxiety under control so that you can tackle any root causes or learn more about anxiety/depression. I've had my second what I would call 'episode' after 5/6 years anxiety free. My first episode was when I was in my early 20's. First time around I suffered a relationship breakdown, death of a close relative and university finals looming- it hit me almost overnight and I was so terrified and overwhelmed but that time around I got through it with some medication, therapy and self help so I keep telling myself I will be ok again, it's just sometimes I think the anxiety blinkers us into thinking it will always be this way- that saying is so common on here I think with lots of people questioning if they will ever feel ok again and the answer is always that we will whatever way we get there.

Your family and other posters are right, health first and job second. Then this may lead to increased confidence and you may then find dating or meeting someone new feels right but of course I understand this may be raw at the moment.

I wish you health and you have definitely come to the right place. I've had such amazing support from my friends here in times of need. Xx


26-06-13, 18:30
Maybe you should look into claiming ESA. It is for when you are not well enough to work.

26-06-13, 20:14
Im so sorry you are feeling this way, as I can totally relate and it is terrible..ive been struggling with my anxiety for about a year and a half, and have recently started to feel depressed because it hasn't gotten any better..im struggling with what s the point if im always going to feel this way, and its a horrible feeling..not sure what we can do but just try to get along each day and hope that it gets easier with time..But know that you are not alone...

27-06-13, 18:33
Thank you guys for all your support, your words mean so much, they really do. Rybonn I hope you feel better soon! <3 I hope we all feel better soon!

27-06-13, 19:23
Can I give you a :hugs:? I'm in a weird place where my anxiety is fine as long as I don't think about work, then I feel as though my innards are going to emerge through my chest.

I literally CAN'T even think about resigning until my meds (Prozac) have kicked in. And I've promised myself that I shall give myself as long as it takes before I worry about what next. Good theory of course... No idea where my money will come from or anything, just a deep conviction that even job security isn't worth the loss of my mental health. Even though the lack of security contributes to the anxiety, it's still better than thinking I shall ever go back and be bullied again.

You have been through an incredible amount of stuff in a short time. Let other people see the end of the tunnel for you. Sometimes we can't even make out the tunnel walls until we are further through. You will be fine, but maybe not today. That's okay - every day is a day nearer the one when you WILL start to feel better.


27-06-13, 21:27
When you are the bottom then it can only get easier, (speaking from experience), every little positive thing you do is a step in the right direction.:)

Lisa Morgan
27-06-13, 23:11
Hi Penny I know what you mean I've just been through the worst 12 months of my whole life. I almost lost my life in a terrible crash on the motorway then I lost 5 close family member and I had to look after them throught to the end of their lives. Also my son fell into a deep depresion after a failed relationship. I sank so low experiencing panic attacks and depresion . I just wanted to die. I was more scared of living than dying. Then one day I got a phone call from my cousin in Canada. She was suicidal and I had to spend an hour telling her all the reason there are to live I felt so exilerated after and I couldn't put my finger on what had make me feel that way. Then I realised I had just given myself all the reasons we have to live and how precious life is. I am so much better now and I am getting out everyday and even joined a gym. Maybe you could think of someone that you have helped in the past and what you said to them. I hope that I haven't made this sound so easy now but its worth a try. :yesyes:

28-06-13, 17:08
Hi Penny I know what you mean I've just been through the worst 12 months of my whole life. I almost lost my life in a terrible crash on the motorway then I lost 5 close family member and I had to look after them throught to the end of their lives. Also my son fell into a deep depresion after a failed relationship. I sank so low experiencing panic attacks and depresion . I just wanted to die. I was more scared of living than dying. Then one day I got a phone call from my cousin in Canada. She was suicidal and I had to spend an hour telling her all the reason there are to live I felt so exilerated after and I couldn't put my finger on what had make me feel that way. Then I realised I had just given myself all the reasons we have to live and how precious life is. I am so much better now and I am getting out everyday and even joined a gym. Maybe you could think of someone that you have helped in the past and what you said to them. I hope that I haven't made this sound so easy now but its worth a try. :yesyes:

I'm so sorry for what you've been through! :( but I'm glad you're getting better now :) I'm just trying to keep myself positive, as much as I can be whilst also letting myself grieve the loss of my relationship, and dealing with the loss of my job and having no financial stability. I know I'll get through it, it's just painful and scary.

---------- Post added at 17:08 ---------- Previous post was at 17:03 ----------

Can I give you a :hugs:? I'm in a weird place where my anxiety is fine as long as I don't think about work, then I feel as though my innards are going to emerge through my chest.

I literally CAN'T even think about resigning until my meds (Prozac) have kicked in. And I've promised myself that I shall give myself as long as it takes before I worry about what next. Good theory of course... No idea where my money will come from or anything, just a deep conviction that even job security isn't worth the loss of my mental health. Even though the lack of security contributes to the anxiety, it's still better than thinking I shall ever go back and be bullied again.

You have been through an incredible amount of stuff in a short time. Let other people see the end of the tunnel for you. Sometimes we can't even make out the tunnel walls until we are further through. You will be fine, but maybe not today. That's okay - every day is a day nearer the one when you WILL start to feel better.


You're right, a job is not worth losing your mental health over! Especially if its not even a job you like. I will be ok :) as will you! X