View Full Version : tense muscles

26-06-13, 15:59
haven't posted in a while, i haven't had a PA in a really long time. my anxiety has been under control i'm doing a lot better but there are some lingering symptoms

my muscles feel tight and tense, mostly my legs and upper shoulders/neck and it feels like i'm carrying cement blocks around with me. i try to stretch and relax my muscles a lot but i notice it's not so much a problem when i'm sitting or not focusing on my symptoms. if i am with friends or my boyfriend or enjoying myself the symptoms are almost not present and when i'm home my legs and shoulders feel tense

i have xanax to take as needed, i take one a week if i need it. when i do i don't feel the heavy feeling.

does anyone else feel tense with no relief, or should i see a doctor. i do fear it being a large medical issue :weep:

26-06-13, 16:05
I think the symptoms do linger for a long time sometimes, my muscle often feel really tensed aswell it used to effect my chest and id often strain chest muscles.
I pretty much think tensed muscles are common with anxiety, I try mindfullness cds for relief from it its reaally helpful hope you feel better soon

27-06-13, 23:28
Hi, I have this a lot. I believe I tense up in my sleep and during the day completely without my knowledge, and that tension can last for days. Try relaxtion cd's and yoga is a fab tool for stretching out those contracted muscles. Its normal hun.

Mr m anxious
29-06-13, 17:34
My tense muscles like yours have lasted for five months!, now need a chiro.

23-08-13, 15:43
Could be myofascial trigger points. It is a complicated subject. Stretching generally won't help. Look up the referal patterns and read about the subject. Look up Paul Ingraham and read that.

I have had chronic neck / head / jaw muscle tension pain for a number of years. I haven't gotten around to getting it treated. Self massage can work. Also a myofascial trigger point therapist (myofascialtherapy.org) could help. Even with a therapist they are not all the same and it is difficult. I suggest you read Paul Ingrahams book before seeking a therapist.

Myofascial trigger point therapy is not covered by insruance because it is not well accepted for a variety of reasons, one of which being the difficulty in consistent training and treating the condition. If chiropractors are covered though myofascial trigger point therapists should be too, but it is much less well established. A chiropractor is probably going be of less use in trigger point problems, though some rare chiropractors know about it well, but their payment structure doesn't work well for treating it.

23-08-13, 15:54
I have suffered tense muscles in shoulders, neck, jaw, throat and head for 20 years now on a daily basis :weep: Nothing seems to work for me. As soon as I start relaxing they build up again. I'm getting to the point I'm so sore everyday that its getting me down. I think also that I must tense in my sleep to feel like this everyday.