View Full Version : gastro flu/virus

07-10-06, 17:32
hiya, my flatmate has had the runs and tight chest where she struggles to breath for a few days now, she went to doctor and they said gastroentenitus type thing! she just went for a short walk and came back and couldnt breathe again, its bit worrying as im a hypercondriac and would like to know if anyone had ever experienced this illness and could support me and my flatmate with some piece of mind advice. thankyou.

08-10-06, 00:02
Sorry to hear about your flatmates illness. I have got the same thing right now ive had it since last tuesday, the doc has given me antibiotics as my chest was so wheezy. Like you i also had tummy pains with it, and now ive got sinusitus and a deaf ear too!!!!!
Dont worry, as the doc has already seen your pal. There is a really nasty virus going around at the moment and it seems we have got it.
take care and try not to worry
luv tracie