View Full Version : anyone want to lose weight with me!!

26-06-13, 20:10
I lost alot of weight a while back and it really boosted my self esteem. But last two months ive been so slack and today I ate 3 magnums yum yum, but i think now would be a good time for me to start again with healthy eating and exercise im still rather concious of my stomach lol
Anyway thought it might help to have a buddy who would like to do this with me, and it will prob help me keep on track and stick to it better aswell lol

26-06-13, 20:20
I'm using the 'my fitness pal' app on my iPad. You log all your height, weight etc... Tell it how much weight you want to lose.. You log everything you eat.. It's surprising how many calories are in things you don't think about! I'm allowed 1220 calories a day.. I only had a sandwich,banana, and 2 mini macaroon cakes...and because of the costa coffee Caramel latte , I was almost at my limit!! A cup of tea is 40 calories! It logs all the nutrients and vitamins you get from the foods too..

26-06-13, 20:24
Omg I had no idea about tea lol I wouldnt have known it had any or maybe 5 for the milk, I will get onto that straight away!
Have you been using it long and is it working for you?

26-06-13, 20:33
Been using the app for 3 days now..it's a real eye opener!
You think you hardly had any calories but then you get a shock!
A caramel latte is 250 calories!
As I've had a small dinner now, I'm up to 1700 calories, which is 500 over for today!

26-06-13, 20:43
Wow I had no idea well they allowing me 1330 cals which sounds alot but I think I start logging tomorow considering my magnums today lol
Are you wanting to lose much? I think its good to have goals I want to lose about a stone, since having a baby ive found it hardest to shift the tum lol

26-06-13, 20:48
1330 isn't a lot, you'll soon find that out!
It doesn't take long for the calories in drinks etc to clock up..
i always thought I had no more than about 1700 a day! But seems I may have been having way over that now!
I want to lose a stone too.

26-06-13, 20:58
Thats good we both try and get there starving together!
I have to fit my exercise in aswell somehow :-) I think I enjoy my tea drinking this evening lol

---------- Post added at 20:58 ---------- Previous post was at 20:57 ----------

Well I thought I was prob only having 1500 so I be interested to find out tomorow now

26-06-13, 21:07
You burn calories with exercise, so walking my dogs gave me 185 calories back.. You log that under exercise section, and it tells you how much per exercise...

26-06-13, 21:14
Ok thanks all sounds really helpful stuff I do lots of walking aswell so this should help :-)

26-06-13, 21:17
Keep me posted!

26-06-13, 21:22
I will do!

27-06-13, 17:23
Well I used the app and yes such an eye opener im actually hungry today lol
Ive still got 200 cals im allowed today so I may have some fruit later.
Ive swapped my tea for green tea now as it only 2cals.
How are you getting on today?

04-07-13, 23:54
I'm doing well, you get used to adjusting to new calorie intake...
And you get excited when you realise you got couple hundred left at end of day! Cake!!!

04-07-13, 23:57
Hi Fluff,

I hope you get on well with your healthy eating.

I have changed the food I eat every day, I gave up majority of sweets, cakes etc... stopped eating all those frozen food including ready meals. I lost 2 stone in weight.

I was not trying to lose weight. I make my own food now. homemade food.

thinking of you.

---------- Post added at 23:57 ---------- Previous post was at 23:55 ----------

hope you and Stormsky do really well with your healthy eating. thinking of you both.

05-07-13, 18:37
Thankyou yvonne Im trying my best to cut the naughty foods out lol
Welldone for your weight loss thats really good:D
And yeah stormsky im getting used to it aswell :-)

05-07-13, 19:30
I'm cutting out all sugary foods (except occasional glasses of fruit juice), alcohol and fatty stuff. And I am walking, walking, walking... I lost almost two stones in a year, was doing a lot of swimming but then I had a really bad ear infection which put me off - lo and behold, on came the weight! So I am definitely going to keep exercising now. So much easier in the summer!

13-07-13, 00:36
I want and need to lose a lot of weight, its just so hard though. Especially on 2 medications that make you hungry all the time and eat more, I eat too much before I was on them anyway.

I have diabetes too so its hard finding a balance as when I diet I often feel like I have really low energy, but when I eat something I find it hard to stop. Then sometimes I just eat loads out of boredom and eat when not hungry.

I lost about a stone and a half last year but have nearly put it all back on again now, I was maintaining the weight loss for ages though, but things haven't gone well recently.

Anyway as you can see I'm good at coming up with excuses!

13-07-13, 01:43
I might have to give this app a go! Only thing is I'm awaiting a water retention diagnosis so that could all change things!

MrsS x

13-07-13, 05:42
How's it going fluff?

13-07-13, 07:09
Hi yeah not bad thanks I seem to have cut most of the bad stuff out of my diet :-) and putting more exercise in. How about you?

13-07-13, 22:34
I'm trying hard, not easy at times!
Lets see what weight we've lost in 4 wks time then!
My hubby has lost 5lb since we started it..I'm not weighing myself just yet..

18-07-13, 08:42
Hi stormsky
Im definately doing more exercise perhaps the lovely weather :-)

18-07-13, 08:49
I'm walking miles, have almost cut out wheat and sugar, and no alcohol since I began the Prozac (Day29).

I think I've lost about 5 or 6 pounds but I bought new scales so ~ not too sure! I have to lose it, can't afford new clothes and I threw out my Fat Wardrobe! Already some of it is fitting again. Phew! :)

18-07-13, 16:49
Thats great speranza :-) yeah im walking miles aswell x

25-07-13, 23:24
Hi Speranza, Stomsky and Fluff,

how is your healthy eating going? thinking of you all.

---------- Post added at 23:24 ---------- Previous post was at 23:22 ----------

At credit union today, was told that I have lost weight around my face and lost weight around my hips, my is that why my skirt keeps falling down.

28-07-13, 20:40
Hi all,

Can i join in? I'm desperate to lose some weight and eat better - I lost a stone in 4 weeks thanks to slimming world last year but I'm just not up to going to a venue every week and chatting.

I've downloaded the myfitnesspal app so it's all go from now! (And I will not finish the chocs that I just bought!)

oh no_1
28-07-13, 20:46
gosh i really need to loose loads and loads of weight.
um um i would like to.

28-07-13, 20:53
My hubby has lost 9 lb now in 4 wks..
I'm doin good, but need to exercise more..
How's it going fluff?

28-07-13, 21:15
I would like to join in I need to lose about half a stone. I have no will power and am generally useless at diets, but am going to give it a go.

29-07-13, 15:51
Hi yeah anyone can join us :-) ive lost 5lb so am pleased considering all stress been going on. Now got a rower aswell x

30-07-13, 13:47
How often do you do your weigh ins? I was weighing myself every week but it always seemed like I didn't lose much and then I felt dissapointed. I gained nearly 4 stone due to starting a medication called quetiapine. I have managed to lose a little but I still need to lose 2 stone to get back to my usual weight. I'm a very small person so I look stupid with a big belly and larger thighs. I was in a size 30 waist but I am currently wearing 36. I still have all my smaller clothes and I am almost down to 34.
I don't have a massive appetite, I certainly don't eat breakfast or 3 meals a day, but when I do eat it tends to be just crap lol. Crisps are my weekness, apple pie and cheesecake. Plus we have a macdonalds 5 seconds away so I eat a lot of that too.
Do I need to train myself to eat 3 meals? I struggle to understand all the calories and stuff so I am just eating weight watchers meals.

30-07-13, 13:59
Im weighing every 4 weeks I think thats best for me. Yeah 3 healthy meals a day is good especially breakfaat. Some of us are using myfitnesspal app to help with calories and how much we burning etc ice found it quite helpful. I have a rower machine now which im useing one day then miss a day I let you know how I get on with that. X

---------- Post added at 13:59 ---------- Previous post was at 13:58 ----------

I found it helpful not ice lol

02-08-13, 03:09
I think I will join this losing weight, I'm going to go to Aqua Aerobics to help tone up, stretches and exercise, going to go once a week, as I think this will all that I can manage without getting too exhausted.

04-08-13, 13:56
That sounds really good yvonne :-) I like swimming I find it helps lift depression abit x

04-08-13, 14:23
I think I need to join this group. I just weighed myself and I'm 67.5kg whereas according to a BMI calculator I should be somewhere between 46.2 and 62.4kg for my height. I've just come back from a week's holiday in Ibiza and a lot of the other young women seemed stick thin in comparison to me lol! I've installed that myfitnesspal app so I'll have to see how it goes.

08-08-13, 13:37
going to Aqua Areobics on Monday, going to take my form down, as I can get in a bit cheaper. my friend going with me. its a challenge for me. I'm going to explain when I go to pay. ask if I get exhausted after getting changed into costume, if I dont get into the water, will I get my money back. I have to take it in stages. I'm going to make the effort.

08-08-13, 22:56
If anyone wants to be friends on MyFitnessPal, please PM me your username. I only have one friend who uses it, so I'm a bit lonely!

09-08-13, 16:34
That sounds really great yvonne that your going to give it a go :-)
Ive been abit slack past few days but ive had loads going on im shattered mentally and physically I try and get back into things after weekend x

11-08-13, 12:55
It does seem to be working - in the last 7 days I've lost 1.9kg or just over 4 pounds. :)

12-08-13, 22:51
not manage to go to the aqua aerobics, will do, I will get there.

almost there to going raw, with raw food.. need to get going to aqua aerobics so that when I'm totally using raw food, that i'm exercising too.

how is everyone else going with your healthy eating?

14-08-13, 18:37
Going quite well, sounds really good you only having raw foods yvonne, ive cut out bread cakes crisps and choc so far :-)

14-08-13, 21:38
It does seem to be working - in the last 7 days I've lost 1.9kg or just over 4 pounds. :)


Well done :yesyes:, keep up the good work.

Going quite well, sounds really good you only having raw foods yvonne, ive cut out bread cakes crisps and choc so far :-)


that's really good. :)

17-08-13, 18:34
I've cut out crisps. I often used to have a packet of crisps as part of my lunch at work. I don't really miss them though. There's no chance of me cutting out chocolate though!

17-08-13, 22:29
I dont normally eat crisps, last week I got some, my it was too many. gee, I should have just bought one bag, not a packet of them. I was thinking the teenagers would eat them, no, I was left to eat them. I wont be buying them again. going to get some vegetables, more fruit and some kale, dill, mint, etc... got a list to get. can start more of my raw food. looking forward to doing so. going to the lagoon leisure center on Monday. need to take my swimming costume with me, here hoping that when I get changed, I'll manage into the water.