View Full Version : Hi from Wales

26-06-13, 21:10
Hi All

I'm new to the forums and wanted to say Hello. Im Sam, Im from South Wales and Im 28. I started getting panic attacks when I was 15 years old, my parents went through a particularly horrible divorce which I think triggered them but over the years I have learnt to live with them to a degree but they still knock me for six. Up until last year the symptoms I had were
* uncontrollable body shakes
* palpitations
* sweats
* nausea
* dry mouth
* feeling my throat was closing
* urgent desire to use the bathroom

after all those symptoms hit me like a tonne of bricks out of the blue, I eventually learnt to control them or talk myself through them because I knew they were coming.

but the last month or so I have had chest tightness which in honesty I thought my bra was too tight! :blush: so remedied that but it didnt help, then the week before last I was sent home from work with a suspected virus (all the symptoms listed below to the point I was so scared I sat crying in the work canteen), then sunday just gone I had the same symptoms

* tightness in my chest
* felt like I was having difficulty breathing
* lightheadedness
* body felt heavy
* arms went numb from the elbow down
* dry mouth
* sense of doom
* needing the toilet

Should add I stuck it out though, no crying and with plenty of distractions and deep breathing and finished the other 4 hours of my shift perfectly happy!

I went to the doctor on monday morning and before hand was very jittery/nervous/scared before and whilst in the consultation room and he checked my temperature, blood pressure, listened to heart and chest - everything is perfectly fine and said it sounded like pure anxiety.

Since monday I had nothing now that I know its 'just' a panic attack

Then today I have been out with my sister all day and basically eaten junk all day, (crisps, chocolate and a fizzy drink) I came home and was so tired that I fell asleep on the sofa for an hour and it was hard to wake up because I was so lethargic and felt heavy,

Then when walking my son home from school, we have to go up a flight of stairs to cross the road and had a sudden sensation of my legs feeling heavy, like it was a real effort to get myself to walk (like I was walking through mud) and then the tight chest came on and lightheadedness, so I had to stop and sit on a wall for two minutes whilst my son told me about his day and it helped to calm me down

So I think my attacks have manifested themselves into a new fear or way of showing it since the last lot didnt get a reaction and these symptoms freak me out and scare me.

Just wondering does anyone else get the heavy leg/body feeling?


28-06-13, 10:10
Not too sure where that last post came from, but anyway - yes I do get that, and hadn't even realised it was connected with the anxiety - thanks! Welcome to the forums. :) (I'm new too)

28-06-13, 10:28
Hi and welcome I am from south wales too.

28-06-13, 17:22
Hello and :welcome:to the forum.