View Full Version : same symptoms or constantly changing?

27-06-13, 00:18
Hi All

I'm new to the forums and didnt realise panic attacks had such a variety of symptoms
I started getting panic attacks when I was 15 years old, I had learnt to live with them to a degree but they still knocked me for six. Up until last year the symptoms I had were
* uncontrollable body shakes
* palpitations
* sweats
* nausea
* dry mouth
* feeling my throat was closing
* urgent desire to use the bathroom

I eventually learnt to control them or talk myself through them because I knew they were coming, just how bad they could get and how to stop them.

but the last month or so I have had chest tightness which in honesty I thought my bra was too tight! so remedied that but it didnt help, then the week before last I was sent home from work with a suspected virus (all the symptoms listed below to the point I was so scared I sat crying in the work canteen), then Sunday just gone I had the same symptoms

* tightness in my chest
* felt like I was having difficulty breathing
* light headed ness
* body felt heavy
* heavy legs
* arms went numb from the elbow down
* dry mouth
* sense of doom
* needing the toilet

Should add I stuck it out though, no crying and with plenty of distractions and deep breathing and finished the other 4 hours of my shift perfectly happy!

Then today I have been out with my sister all day and basically eaten junk all day, (crisps, chocolate and a fizzy drink) I came home and was so tired that I fell asleep on the sofa for an hour and it was hard to wake up because I was so lethargic and felt heavy,

Then when walking my son home from school, we have to go up a flight of stairs to cross the road and had a sudden sensation of my legs feeling heavy, like it was a real effort to get myself to walk (like I was walking through mud) and then the tight chest came on and lightheadedness, so I had to stop and sit on a wall for two minutes whilst my son told me about his day and it helped to calm me down

So I think my attacks have manifested themselves into a new fear or way of showing it since the last lot didnt get a reaction and these symptoms freak me out and scare me.

Has anyone elses panic attacks done this or had a new symptom appear? can they even do that?


27-06-13, 00:37
Yes, new symptoms can occur all the time

27-06-13, 09:18
hello there I have a different symptom nearly every day in my body and my mind never know what it is drives you mad but I put everything I get down to anxiety now because it all passes in time so if it wasent we would know about it that's how I deal with it now, wish you well x

27-06-13, 10:59
Hi Sammykaye,

The panic symptoms I experience now are totally different to how it used to be when I was growing up, so things can definitely change, yes. xx

27-06-13, 11:27
It does sound like anxiety manifesting in different ways, I've all those symptoms including walking through mud and believing my chest tightness was due to my bra being too tight. It sounds like you're doing lots to help yourself, well done for staying at work when you felt so ill. It's not easy but as you've learnt the symptoms of panic reduce in time but it will make you tired, this can lead to further panic attacks if you don't take good care of yourself. Try to keep ignoring and distracting yourself from the panic feelings, you're doing really well and it will get better.

27-06-13, 12:41
It does sound like anxiety manifesting in different ways, I've all those symptoms including walking through mud and believing my chest tightness was due to my bra being too tight. It sounds like you're doing lots to help yourself, well done for staying at work when you felt so ill. It's not easy but as you've learnt the symptoms of panic reduce in time but it will make you tired, this can lead to further panic attacks if you don't take good care of yourself. Try to keep ignoring and distracting yourself from the panic feelings, you're doing really well and it will get better.

Thanks Tufty,
I have to admit staying in work was a real struggle and at that point I didnt know it was a PA, but managed to stick it out and felt fine once I was calm again.
I think I feel a bit more confident now knowing its 'just' anxiety as my doctor referred to it. Least I know I can and have coped with it - even if these symptoms are new to me.
I am thinking I need to start going to bed at a suitable hour - I tend to go any time between 11 and 2am because my brain wont switch off but I think if I go to bed at 10 and give myself a reading time of 15 minutes then it might wear me out enough to help me sleep. The fatigue is the main thing taking its toll on me, and its starting to cause arguements as the housework never seems to get done because Im just exhausted at the slightest thing and then body feels like it weighs a tonne.

I am contimplating reducing or cutting out caffeine as well x

27-06-13, 13:48
Oo, yes, definitely cut out caffeine and also sugar (which is so hard for someone like me with a terrible sweet tooth lol!):rolleyes:

27-06-13, 14:06
Oo, yes, definitely cut out caffeine and also sugar (which is so hard for someone like me with a terrible sweet tooth lol!):rolleyes:

Im a complete tea/coffee/fizzy pop addict and my sweet tooth is rampant so that wont be an easy challenge in itself but if it helps I'll try my best! might even lose some weight in the process!:yesyes: