View Full Version : Panic Attacks and Weight Loss

27-06-13, 01:07
I have suffered with panic disorder now for 2 years. I have panic attacks every night and some nights one after another. Horrible!!! one day out of the blue I had my first panic attack, at this time I was a size 14 and weighed about 10.5 stone. Since then I have lost 2 stone in weight and gone down to a size 8,
I actually feel too thin, but cant put any weight on. all my friends are telling me I look ill, which is not a great thing to say when I have health anxiety as well lol. I have had all the tests known to man at the docs and all came back fine. I have noticed I don't seem to get hungry like I used to. Can panic attacks make you lose weight like that?

I was just wondering if anyone else who suffers with anxiety/panic disorder has had the same sort of weight loss.

27-06-13, 02:02
I lost a lot of weight in a short space of time...it's more the anxiety that comes with it that causes this I think, the actual panic attacks don't make you lose weight. It could also be due to medication if you are on any.

I had all the tests too, all was ok so doc put it down to anxiety. My weight has stabalised now and I am eating better too. I am sure you are fine.

Kitti :)

27-06-13, 10:58
Hi Rufess1,

Yes, it definitely can make you lose weight - I've lost about a stone in quite a short time. I think Kittikat is right about the anxiety. I feel anxious most of the time and it definitely affects the amount I eat etc. I just try and make sure that what I do eat is healthy and nutritious xx:)

26-08-13, 12:55
hi rufess I have the same problem,im thin and can never put on weight,doctors also put it down to anxiety for me,i eat lots too but still no gain,lost confidence in my body as I feel too skinny,my goal is to reach 12 stone so im starting a 4000calorie aday diet set up for me by a personal trainer..hoping this will help gain weight back....hope you feel better soon and put the weight back on :) X

26-08-13, 15:00
Same with me. When I had my first bout of anxiety I was built like a middleweight boxer yet I still managed to lose 2 stone in 4 months or so. I looked horribly undernourished.

Fear not, once to get to grips with the anxiety I can assure the weight will go back on, I found to my detriment :doh:

27-08-13, 13:29
I lost quite a lot of weight in the last 12 months. Being stressed all the time burns a lot of calories I guess.

Hope you get better soon friend.