View Full Version : Citolapram & propranolol ( side effects )

27-06-13, 08:32
Hi everyone, new to this site so glad I found it. Iv been on citalopram for 12 days now 10mg for anxiety. Iv felt so poorly taking these, dizzy, lightheaded, feel really sick :-( the sicky feeling is now going just feel so lightheaded all day ! I went to docs yesterday as my heart keeps thumping really hard & fast ! She done an ECG & it showed elevated heart rate so she's put me on propranolol but the dose she put is 10mg-20mg x 2 a day ? I took just 10mg yesterday heart reat was much better after 30 mins but was back to racing after 6 hours :-( so I just went to bed. This morning I woke up heart racing & beating really hard so I took 20mg at 7am again it's worked with in 20-30mins I just now feel very tired & lightheaded !! I have two small children to look after just a little worried. Is this normal any advice would be great :-) thanks Helen x( also have bad ibs & pcos, so take the mini pill & ibs tablets every day )

27-06-13, 14:12
Hi Helen,

Citalopram does take quite a while to kick in, anything up to 6-8 weeks so really it is early days for you. I also have been prescribed propranolol (20mg x 3 times a day - if needed). I have read on here that quite a few people take 80mg slow release propranolol which I think keeps things steady for the whole day, perhaps you could discuss that with your doctor. My GP wouldn't let me have them as I have low blood pressure.

Do you take the propranolol on an as and when required basis?

Take care :hugs:

28-06-13, 17:26
Propranol is excellent at lowering the heart rate, but when I was on it I had it prescribed as 40mg, 3 times a day.

As the effects obviously wear off you may want to talk to your GP about such a schedule, rather than an as needed basis, which is better for certain stressful events (to combat stagefright, speaking in public etc).

Welcome to the forum, BTW.

29-06-13, 08:33
Thank you both .... Spoke to my doctor yesterday & changed my dose to 10mg 3x day in 6 hour gaps between each dose. I'm feeling so much better since taking them ( morning are just rubbish for me ) I even made it to my daughters preschool yesterday very pleased I got to see it, was worried I would be able to from how I was feeling. Back to docs in a week or two to discuss the citalopram. But defo feeling more like me again :-) Helen x