View Full Version : quiet and loud ectopics?...please help!

07-10-06, 21:09
hi there
could anyone help me?
what is the difference between "quiet" ectopics and "loud" ones....i.e when you feel the bumps, by quiet i mean when you check your pulse and feel the pause between beats....but no bumps
today i seem to have had both...are they the same?
been arguing with my partner on and off all day-the ectopics kicked in straight away.....im laid on the bed scared stiff now........also my heart seems to speed up then slow down then bump, bump, bump-then a big gap like im dead!........oh please can anyone relate
any reassurance will be grateful

07-10-06, 21:53

i get this all the time every day today one of the worst .
i get when i feel my pulse but no bumps and like today i get were i feel bumps of flutters i hate it so so much i have had tests and 24hr monitor and they say im fine !i think it depends on were the extra beat comes from to how much we feel it they can come from anywere in the heart i think i feel them more when i have a fast heart .
do you get them when you have eaten and when you are trying to sleep i do a lot .
i hope you are feeling better try not to worry do somthing to take your mind off it .
jodie xx

07-10-06, 22:02
hi, thanks for replying........i get them more when laid on my back, and in a slumped position-i dont know if its these positions that make us feel them more or what-if this is the case im probably getting hundreds a day and not feeling most of them...i can go a few days and not feel the thuds/flutters..then like today they start and it sends me into a downward spiral again-i hate them.. i know they are not meant to be harmful but i cant help but wonder!?!
i actually seem to feel them more when im "relaxed"(not very often)!-but i also have them with a fast heart too...ive had the tests and seen a cardilologist in may..he said i was fine.......however my g.p knows im still worried and he is referring me to another cardiologist- good of him i suppose, but im worrying now they will find i have an arrithmia or something
take carex

08-10-06, 16:58
Hiya. I've had ectopics for about 4 years, like with all people they come and go but I figured out a way that works for me to get rid of them for a while. Maybe it could help you... I used to do loads and loads of exercise but when I first started getting ectopics they would scare me beyond belief when I was doing any sport. Its taken a long time for me to accept that they are completely normal and harmless. Exercise really does help!!

You have to force yourself to do it and accept you're gonna be okay afterwards. I now don't have any ectopic heartbeats apart from when i'm exercising and this is definitely much bettter. Try it, human bodies are amazing things, especially if you look after them properly.

Two heads
09-10-06, 10:04
Well this is something i have been getting alot lately and they really scare me also.I find i get them more when im laying down in the slumped position.Sometimes i get the big thump and sometimes its a soft thud.
Ive been seeing a cardiologist and have had tests that im waiting for the results to.They only started when my anxiety began in december.
Also i do find my heart just seems to go out of control and speed up which really does bring on panick.
I find it hard to believe they do no harm,but i must keep telling myself they are normal all i will go insane with worry.