View Full Version : OCD List making/organising and hand/utensil washing

27-06-13, 12:55
I have OCD mainly in two forms.

The first is I have lists, lots of lists, and even lists for lists and they are everywhere. In my kitchen, in my handbag, on my phone, on my computer, in various notebooks dotted round the house, even in work Ill write lists on the back of old receipts.....everywhere.

The second is I wash my hands frequently, every time I touch something unintensionally and then have to touch something of mine I was my hands. For example, if I was making a sandwich, Id wash and dry the plate, wash and dry the knife, get the bread out, open the butter, wash my hands because Id touched the butter lid, spread the butter, re wash hands, then add the meat , bread together and then cut the sandwich. Then knife in the sink, wash hands again, and then carry plate to table, rewash hands again, then eat the sandwich.

Its beyond and I do this with everything, clean saucepans I have to reclean before I cook, plates I have to reclean before I serve food up onto them, I have one cup that I will use in the house and one cup in work I will use - no other.


03-07-13, 07:19
we all have things that we do why dont you see your dr and see if they can help you in regard to the ocd if its getting to you, its a difficult thing and i hope you get improvement blessings