View Full Version : Chronic 7yr tooth abscess help!

27-06-13, 15:32
Hi there, basically iv been in my new house for 4 days now and iv been lovely an calm (well about as calm as I get) now my problem is on 1st day I got a massive sickening migraine which I put down to stress now I'm freaking out ! Migraine happened on right hand side an in right eye... Now I have had a abscess above my right 2nd to back tooth since I was 16 seen an appaing dentist for a filling who did a proper bodge job ... Now the tooth is dead an the abscess doesn't ever really hurt as its a chronic one with a drainage path it's about the size of half a pea. I'm now absolutely terrified of dentists to the point were I'm sweating and crying when I see one I discovered a very nice one 3 yrs ago who has never attacked me with drills or pointy objects so has gained my trust abit iv had numerous appointments to get this bugger pulled even one at hospital under sedation I always last moment swerve the appointment... But I read up on it constantly the horror stories of it travelling to brain ect... An now since migraine keep getting random pains in head, nose and eye on same side of tooth half of it fell off about 3 weeks ago like I said totally dead the actual tooth so doesn't hurt. My anxiety has hit sky high levels about the poison have eaten they inside of my head to my brain or so neither lethal place. I'm on my own in house with baby with no money to get taxi or bus anywhere till tomorrow.. So upset someone please help me x

27-06-13, 16:28
Well it sounds like you need some antibiotics. Even if the infection had spread the abx would take care of it. You don't have to see a dentist right now, they wont treat you with an active abscess anyway so you need to see a GP and get some meds. If it had traveled to the your brain or whatever you would probably be running a fever and your face would be swollen. So try to relax (easier said than done) and then get in for some meds when you can. You could also gargle with some warm salt water if you want to feel like you are doing something in the meantime.

27-06-13, 16:33
Iv had a few rounds of antibiotics prior to appointments to have it pulled they have never got rid of it... They don't actually do anything to it ?