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View Full Version : Not working any more?

27-06-13, 16:47
Hello all I've been on Duloxetine for about 2 months and it feels like its stopped working, is that possible after such a short time?

I've felt pretty rough for the last few weeks actually, but lately (a few days) I feel myself getting lower and lower everyday. I'm back to thinking about suicide or hurting myself. I had a dr's appointment Monday just gone, and all he did was repeat my prescription and told me there is no higher dose than 60mgs for depression. So this is it? It stops working then I come off, then I try something else? I'm confused and fed up with all this, so if anyone can help me I'd be really grateful. Thank you.


27-06-13, 16:51
Lynn, hi, I'm not an expert and I'm new here, but I didn't want your post to go unanswered for long. Your doctor ought to be taking it really seriously if you are reporting suicidal feelings, is there anybody else in the practice you can talk to? Do you have people around - anybody - you can tell how you are feeling? Can you maybe talk to someone at the Samaritans or SANE so that you can get some help to hang in there?
Remember, the doctor is not an expert on YOU. This sounds horrible, please ring and ask if there is someone you can see, or someone at the hospital if you are under someone there (or ask for a referral?)
Keep posting here and keep browsing the forums, anything to keep yourself occupied til others come and answer.

27-06-13, 20:36
Hello Gill, thanks very much for your reply.
I didn't actually tell the dr about my thoughts, partly because they're intermittent and partly because I'm a bit scared about what would happen after, stupid I know.
I've been thinking and I'm going to ask to see another dr at the practise, get his/her opinion on things and maybe even ask to be referred because I've never been told that I would be if things didn't improve.
I don't think my dr would even prescribe something else along side the Duloxetine, but maybe another one would, we'll see.
Thanks again for replying.

27-06-13, 20:50
Hi Willow,

I think it would be a good idea to go back and speak to one of the doctors, let him know how you feel. Also, ask to be referred for some sort of counselling, as antidepressants alone are not the answer and counselling would help.


28-06-13, 17:02
Hi Lynn

I've been on duloxetine for 2½ months now, and there are days I feel it's not working, till I remember how I was before.

You can go higher on the drug (90 and 120mg) but those dosages are rare and from what I read, of you don't respond to 60, there's no point going higher.

Certainly the last time I saw my GP (a few days ago) he refused to entertain the idea of a dosage increase.

As for drug benefits wearing off, I was on pregabalin for 4 months and that certainly did tail off after 2 months, until after 4 it was doing very little, if anything for me.

All the best


01-07-13, 17:59
Thanks all for your responses.

I've decided to give it another month and if i dont feel any better, then I'll see about another change. At the moment though I've got another problem, I took my prescription to the chemist on Thursday only to be told no Duloxetine in stock, the pharmacist was going to try to get some from another chemist, but to no avail. Just come back from the chemist again, and still no Duloxetine I've only got 1 tablet left, and I'm now slowly starting to panic that I'm going to run out. I won't know if I can have my latest supply till tomorrow afternoon.

Has anybody else been left with no medication, and how did you cope with the symptoms of withdrawal?


02-07-13, 13:50
Even if you miss a day you should be OK. I missed a dose one (I think I ended up taking it 8 or 9 hours late) but felt no ill effects.

Hope you got your supply now.

The Boots I pass on my walk home from work is terrible for having stocks of anything. The last few times I've been I've had to leave my prescriptions with them and go back the next day.

21-07-13, 10:53
Low stocks of a medication at a pharmacy have happened to me both in Australia and Japan, but never no stocks of a commonly prescribed medication like duloxetine.

Is there not some law in the UK that requires pharmacies to hold reasonable stocks of medications? If so, you could lodge a complaint, which might have some effect.

In Australia, pharmacies can dispense emergency supplies of a medication without prescription, provided that they have authorization over the phone from a doctor or another pharmacist holding an unfilled prescription.

21-07-13, 11:11
Did you see the doctor?

27-07-13, 12:47
Hi sorry its taken me so long to reply. Computer troubles!

Well to cut a long story short, I finally got my Duloxetine after about week, was getting pretty concerned there for a while. No more improvement in me this past month, the only difference is that my anxiety has increased especially in the mornings, the churning stomach is back. Mood is still low, as is motivation, enjoyment etc.

Had a doctors appointment yesterday, explained all that and he said to try a different med, Edronax (Reboxetine)? Has any of you heard of it, or tried it? Any good?

I also mentioned to him that I was thinking about trying CBT, he gave me a phone number to ring for something called I something, it had 4 letters??

Also the doctor said I've tried nearly all the different types of these meds and he seems bored with me now. He said if these new ones aren't any good then he doesn't know what to suggest.

Thanks for reading.


27-07-13, 13:57
Hi Lynn

I don't want to worry you but the BMJ reckon that reboxetine is useless for depression (no better than placebo) and potentially harmful.

I just want you to be aware of the facts and take care.

Here's a Guardian article on the subject (AFAIK this newspaper isn't known for scaremongering).


27-07-13, 22:36
Hi Mark, thanks for replying.

Hmm, doesn't sound very good does it. Unless I've overlooked it, it doesn't say in what way it could be harmful. I suppose if you have major depression and are suicidal, then maybe it could push you over the edge, but I don't know.

I've been trying to find some info on this drug, but there doesn't seem to be much about. All I do know is side effects can make you irritable, sweaty, tired because of lack of sleep (hate that one in particular, I can count on the fingers of one hand how many unbroken nights sleep I've had whilst on Duloxetine).

Due to start Reboxetine on Wednesday. Will write then.


29-07-13, 12:06
Hi Willow,

I Googled Reboxetine as well. mainly because when i saw your post I thought I had never heard of the drug. So out of interest I thought I would have a look. I came up with same conclusion as Mark 13. I does not appear to work:shrug:


01-08-13, 16:56
Hi SarahH, I'm not holding out much hope for this, but I'll give it go and see what, if anything happens. I'm not looking forward to it mainly because as you say, it doesn't seem very good and also what little info I have found, the insomnia side effect sounds bad, I wasn't sleeping very well on Duloxetine! Still, as I said, I'll try it. Day one is tomorrow so keep your fingers crossed for me!

Will update in a few days, it might help anyone else who finds themselves with this drug.


04-08-13, 11:11
Hi Lynn,

sorry missed this reply earlier!

An update would be good for all.


04-08-13, 12:16
Hi Sarah, not to worry I can't find one of my own posts I made the other day. It's here...somewhere!

I'll start a new thread under Duloxetine because I can't see one for Reboxetine. If it helps people, then that'll be good.

Take care.
