View Full Version : Pretending.

Granny Primark
27-06-13, 20:23
So sorry. we all do it. Pretending we are fine. I cope with lifes probs with telling me silly jokes.
My neighbour is suffering with cancer.
I havent seen my son for over 5 years. Dont know what his children look like.
They live 1/2 mile away.
Theres times when you can cope or think your coping and make out that you are coping when your not so you are not worrying others.
Everybody does the same. I so hope my lovely neighbour gets well.
Ive got me little sunshine/ giggling gertie/ flowerpot/ grandaughter tomorrow when she comes from school.
Sorry for the whinge. Stupid granny is feeling a a bit sad.xxx

27-06-13, 20:27
I didn't get which bit of that was supposed to be stupid. :hugs:

27-06-13, 20:31
Sorry to hear your feeling down...
Sometimes we are strong for others and neglect yourself..
Of course your neighbour being ill will upset you, and indeed your situation with your son...which I don't know anything about, but is there no hope of some reconciliation in future?
Sending. :bighug1:

27-06-13, 20:37

Keep your chins up and keep smiling :D

Tomorrow is another day and everything will look better x

27-06-13, 20:47
big :hugs:xxx

27-06-13, 20:48
Sending you hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs:

30-06-13, 00:37
Lynn firstly listen to the Moosie one :)

You are NOT and I repeat NOT stupid in any way, shape or form okie dokies :winks: :)

I have sad days too hun. I think to feel the emotion of sadness is much worse than feeling depressed. If you're depressed, you have low mood, but your emotions tend to be blunted. When you feel sad, it's painful, cos you really feel it.

I can also understand what you're feeling with not seeing your Son or his children. I have a family in crisis at the moment, all of whom seem to have splintered off in several directions for various reasons, so I can really understand your sadness from that point of view too.

If I'm having one of my sad days, I just try to be as kind as I can to myself, if I want to cry, I cry, I just have to let it out as it releases so much of the pent up emotion in my head.

We're always here for you Lynn however you're feeling and I know that sharing it with others helps so much.

Sending you comforting hugs hun :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Granny Primark
30-06-13, 04:38
Thank you.
Ive got a brill hubby. Dont anyone tell him I said that. His heads big enuf already.:winks:
He cant even go the loo without our grandaughter follows him.:wacko:
Its such a shame the other 2 dont have a relationship with him.
He was a d.j. years ago and his name was looney len. Can you believe it looney len and loopy lynn.:roflmao:
The mind boggles:lac:

30-06-13, 08:51

so many of us have dysfunctional families (might not be exactly the right word) which is sad, but sometimes these things happen not always through a fault of our own, but through circumstances.

Of course it hurts but sadness and being depressed are not the same.

Granny Primark
30-06-13, 11:07
sadness causes depression.
And being a mum was so important to me like it is to so many women.
Im lucky cus my hubby has always put family first. Wife, children and grandchildren.
Thats what I find so endearing.