View Full Version : Do you feel like this? Like me? You probably do

27-06-13, 22:25
Over their in the corner, he stands with his head down , pitiful look upon his face taking small sips from his drink ,while everyone else laughs and giggles and are having a great time , you can see the effort he makes to smile through his pain and anxiety , he has no confidence and wouldn't speak his mind , speak to girls? Nah he wouldn't no where to start , too intimidated by how he may come across , neither does he feel good enougha huge inferiority complex he struggles for words and picks the people he approaches, very few of them of course and avoids like the plague people he doesnt want to speak to. He has been worrying about this night for weeks , but he had to come its a family wedding , he constantly thinks about what people think of him , what they think of what he is wearing and why he still hasn't got a girlfriend, if only they knew the pain that he goes through on a daily basis in his battle aginst anxiety , they dont understand , they couldn't ever possibly understand , no one knows he is ill with anxiety He keeps it bottled up typically eats at him from the inside and just gets worse and smiles through the pain as he has always done , this is me , this my life everyday , why should somebody have to live like this daily , why don't people understand , there is only so many fake smiles I can do before the effort becomes too much , I write this with tears in my eyes , I'm sure most of you can recognise this suffering , the only person I tell is Jesus , he's the only one who understands.

27-06-13, 22:51
Very touching post. I would say this is Social anxiety more than General anxiety. Sorry to hear you are going through such a tough time. Stay strong and things will get better in time.

27-06-13, 23:08
I have all kinds of anxiety , diagnosed with GAD in 2009 , although I have had it for as long as I can remember but I always thought it was a normal way to feel due to me having it since birth, thankyou for you're reply , things are just getting worse x

27-06-13, 23:32
Lifesfighter, your post could have been written by myself last summer, had to go to my sisters wedding, the most humiliating experience of my life. I feel you pain because I have been through it and still go through it some days but let me offer you some hope.

I was in a bad place, no confidence, so down, no way of even chatting to girls unless I was really drunk because then it didn't matter. But I came out of all this, it was difficult and still is but I have managed to rebuild my confidence, and managed to learn to socialise again, I do things that make me feel better, and now I have even started going out on dates. A few years ago I could never have even done this, I didn't know who I was.

Are you taking any medication for your anxiety, Citalopram and CBT started me off on the path to where I am now, don't get me wrong I still have bad days, but at least I am more able to go out and feel more confident.

Seek help because if I can come back from rock bottom then you can.