View Full Version : giddiness and off balance

08-10-06, 13:45
Hi newbie here.having a hard time feeling like i am swaying ,moving when sitting still.Off balance.

So scared of this.Thinking the worst.Please help.Reassurance needed.

08-10-06, 14:01
It is part of our anxiety - when I am feeling really anxious I feel dizzy and feel as if I have to hold onto the desk, counter, chair whatever - its because my breathing goes wrong and I hyperventilate and panic cuts the blood supply as its too busy doing other things when we panic. I try to take a deep breath and drop mys houlders and just relax and reassure myself its ok and that I am fine ..... sounds easy but it is difficult to do at first but be assured, its must panic and anxiety and it can do all sorts of weird things to us.

The other thing is - I have had a blocked left ear for 3 years now since a bad attack of sinusitis and that makes me feel lop sided but I try not to think about it coz when I do it makes me anxious.

Good luck.love wenjoy x

08-10-06, 14:46

Welcome to the forum. I experience the exact same symptoms as you and they are very disturbing/alarming. My GP has said it is anxiety but it is difficult to accept that such an alarmiing symptom can be caused by anxiety.

This is one of my threads which you might find helpful.

Dizziness (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=13187)


08-10-06, 15:11
Hi Alder,

I experience this and I know how frightening it can be, ive learnt that anxiety can affect the balance mechanisms in our ears which causes us to feel off balance.

I know how frightening it is but please try not to worry and accept it is another symptom of anxiety.
Hope you feel better soon!

08-10-06, 15:33
i have this and it is scary but its anxiety
i had it this morning because i was anxious about going out as i didnt want to go


the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past

08-10-06, 22:48

i get this when i am anxious, hard to believe its down to anxiety but it is. distraction is a good thing, try to do something that takes your mind off it and it should ease

mandy xx

positive attitude brings positive results

expecto patronum
09-10-06, 10:19
I've had this constantly for over 6 months. Its just like yours; feeling off-balance and constantly moving. I think its the hardest thing to ignore and its REALLY hard not to just obsess about it constantly when you feel like its ruining your life, but the only way of having some life again is to make yourself think about other stuff and enjoy other things and after a while it gets slightly easier to do. I've been having a better time this last 10 days, and if I can do it then so can you! Hope you feel better soon.

10-10-06, 19:40
I suffered alot from this when I had anxiety and depression and found it quite scary thinking I must have something terribly wrong with me. What helped was someone who had suffered similar symptoms when going through anxiety telling me that I had nothing to worry about and that it was a common sumptom of anxiety. I started breathing exercises whenever I felt dizzy and this also seemed to help.

12-10-06, 13:14
I've been getting this too. Some days it's worse than others, sometimes I don't have it all. Like Mandy said, it does help if you try to take your mind off it - which isn't always easy I know. I try to tell myself that if I don't notice it when I'm doing something else, then chances are it's nothing to worry about. But it is a horrible symptom.