View Full Version : Songs that help the most

08-10-06, 13:47
Does anyone have a fav song that helps them when they are feeling low?

Mine: I Won't Back Down - Tom Petty

Fix you - Coldplay


08-10-06, 14:21
The song that helps me most at the moment is -

Bettle Midler - The Wind Beneath My Wings

as this song reminds me of the special friends who help me to keep going each and every day when I feel like giving up.


Why does my heart go on beating?
Why do these eyes of mine cry?
Don't they know it's the end of the world?

~The Carpenters~

08-10-06, 14:49
Used to be anything Philip Glass but that has associations now that don't chill me out so much, heh.

At the moment it's Coldplay's "Everything's Not Lost" - I'm not generally a big fan of Coldplay but a friend of mine sent me this last time I was feeling really bad and it's lovely.

"Five million cybermen? Easy. One doctor? Now you're scared!"

Doctor Who is strangely true-to-life sometimes...

08-10-06, 15:01
Something that you can really get into- for me R&B and Hip Hop.

Massive itunes collection but current favourites for mood-lifting are Stand Up- Ludacris, Vivrant Thing- Q-Tip and Promiscuous- Nelly Furtado!

Plus theres a couple of randoms like Sunrise- Simply Red!!!

But if you're looking for more relaxation than distraction I recommend the Pride and Prejudice soundtrack (from the one with Keira Knightley even though I think the BBC version with Colin Firth is better!;))

Hope someone finds this useful!! Lucy :)

08-10-06, 15:03
I always use Elvis as my "safe place", have done since I was a kid. My absolute favorite is "Where noone stands alone" sung by Elvis.
I know it's kind of out-dated, but hey, perhaps so am I.:D

"You can't yell loud enough to make me shut up."

08-10-06, 15:23
My fave song to help me through is Build me up Buttercup by The Foundations sad I know but it makes me happy:D

When I am feeling really bad its No Need To Argue by The Cranberries.....you know if I'm sad if I am listening to that LOL:D


08-10-06, 15:28
minority by green day
some stuff by status quo

i dont have a song i go through phases where i like one sort for a while then my mood changes and i'll listen to someone else


the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past

08-10-06, 16:59
Balarina girl comes to mind [LIONEL RITCHIE] it reminds me so much of my beautiful daughters.BALARINA GIRL YOU ARE SO LOVELY ,BALARINA GIRL THE JOY YOU BRING ME. it,s brought a tear to my eye already.Groovy kind of love by phil collins cos that,s what me and my husband have. :)

08-10-06, 18:45
Never Mind the ****

The Sex Pistols


08-10-06, 21:12
Good choice Kay[8D] Must listen to that again soon!

Echo and The Bunnymen for me at the mo....Bring On The Dancing Horses.