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View Full Version : Chest pain days after

28-06-13, 14:53
Hi there
I've recently had a bought of really bad panic attacks. The last one was 3 days ago. What's really bothering me is that my chest and back is still sore. My panic attacks stem from a phobia of having a heart attack and every pain bothers me. I have seen 4 different doctors in the last 3 weeks and. all assure me the aches and pains are due to anxiety. I know I should believe them but I can't stop myself wondering if maybe they're wrong. Does anyone else feel these pains for days after and how long do they typically last? Thanks

28-06-13, 15:27
I can have pain for days too. I put it down to tensing of muscles.

And meant to say welcome to the site. I`m sure if you read some info and posts you will see you are not alone in your symptoms. Trust the docs, panic attacks can do many things to the body.

28-06-13, 20:36
Hi there
Thanks for the welcome. I have read a few posts and its good to know that I'm not alone in this.
I will read a bit more when I can get to a pc with internet connection. I'm currently working off my phone and its a bit of a pain.
Thanks again

29-06-13, 00:38
Hi and welcome :) So sorry you're having this too. I've had the very same thing today. It feels in a few places like I've been punched...just sore for no good reason, but I understand about getting freaked about the ones around your chest. My pains and soreness always seem to be right over my heart and it does wonders to freak me out too. You're not alone by any means.
~Regina xx

29-06-13, 09:02
Welcome eccat

I too have gone through what you have and it is made worse for me as I have a old chest injury.
So when I get anxious or in the past have had a panic attack it would worsen my chest injury because my chest muscle would have been forced into the fight or flight responce and the muscles have got so tense they would ache for days.

I also had a fear of heart attack for years and have been rushed to hospital twice withva suspect heart attack.

When you have a stable internet connection I would like to send you a transcript I have from my mentor in south Africa who has helped me out no ends to understand what is happening to my mind and body during and after an anxiety attack and he has help me nearly fully overcome this all.

Yes I also use meds but the understanding he has taught me has improved my life 80 percent.
If you are interested let me know


29-06-13, 09:30

Chest pain is one of my main symptoms along with left arm pain. After a panic attack, the tension in my left upper body can last two days until it fades to a dull background discomfort.

Def pm AceofSpades and read his mentors transcript. I have and it is very helpful when I am suffering with bad anxiety.

Good luck.


29-06-13, 09:32
Welcome eccat

When you have a stable internet connection I would like to send you a transcript I have from my mentor in south Africa who has helped me out no ends to understand what is happening to my mind and body during and after an anxiety attack and he has help me nearly fully overcome this all.

Yes I also use meds but the understanding he has taught me has improved my life 80 percent.
If you are interested let me know

Hi Ace of spades, I was just reading your post about having a mentor who has helped you a lot how did you come about this as it interests me
Kim :)

29-06-13, 11:16
Thanks Charlie. Please it has been of some use to you. I have a short follow ip to that transcript like a refresher course.

Hi Kim. I found my mentor by accident on a facebook site to deal with a chest complaint I have.
And just started chatting to him and he has helped me a lot I only contact him if I have a bad time and he is ever so good a replies within a few hours. And he never asks for anything in return just that I recovery and try to spead on his knowledge that he has given me.
I have been thanked from another friend for saving her life and helping turn it around and that is a wonderful thing but it is my mentor that has done that not me.

Maybe we should have a section on nmp for people who would like to be a mentor for others (not to sure how it would work but maybe an idea).
I would be pleased to send you my chat transcript I have had with him if you wish.


29-06-13, 11:45
Ace of spades yes please I would appreciate reading it.
Many thanks x