View Full Version : Chest I think I'm going to stop breathing

28-06-13, 20:31
Omg I'm panicking so much, been in bed with a uti all day and the chest tightness I'm getting is really freaking me out, I'm having no pain but I'm feeling I need to catch breath more, and walking around I'm really struggling, I keep swallowing air, and purposely taking deep breaths and yawning.
I'm so frightened this is the worst I've felt. I'm freaking out and I can't take any diazepam as I've been taking anti biotics. Trying to reassure myself my stats etc were fine on Thursday but I'm just so worked up.

28-06-13, 20:59
...You can't take diazepam and anti-biotics at the same time? Whoops. Did they tell you that? I couldn't find any interaction with the kind I was on.

If you've been checked out before and everything then it very much sounds like you're suffering from chronic hyperventilation atm. It makes your chest feel tight, makes you feel lime you need to yawn and like you might stop breathing. Had it so many times. If you can just distract yourself enough you'll probably find it goes away very fast.

28-06-13, 22:01
I didn't know you could can you? I thought it might react?
I've been given thm for chest and have never took one

29-06-13, 00:15
You should be able to take diazepam with antibiotics. I`ve been on a few and was ok.

29-06-13, 12:48
I hate this :-(

29-06-13, 13:06
I got that feeling again last night when I came to bed.

Watched Robin Halls video, ( when your having a panic attack) and I calmed down.

Took half of 1mg loprazolam tablet right enough, so don`t know whether it was the med or the video. Maybe a bit of both.

29-06-13, 18:53
I'm really struggling also with breathing problems ... I do not have asthma, but I smoke and I'm not in shape .... I have it even though I do not have panic attacks ...

Other days I have no problems with breathing ....

I'll be a nervous wreck because I do not know when to seek medical help?

How can I see if it's anxiety or something serious?

I am 41 years old, so I have aged to heart attacks and blood clots :-(

30-06-13, 10:28
It's horrible, I have to get a chest X-ray done but the GP said that she couldn't find anything but this is just for completeness. I am very anxious about it, I've woke up today with so much phlegm and mucus I'm really scared. I'm having no pain just this not breathing right xx

30-06-13, 13:39
I have asthma and i`m prone to chest infections. Build up of phlegm will make breathing worse. I fill a bowl with hot water, put a towel over my head and the steam does loosen it and eases the airways.

30-06-13, 15:55
I am going to try it, I can't work out if its my ribs or my chest it's like radiating. I don't even know how a muscle strain could feel :-(

01-07-13, 11:56
Im feeling exactly the same Shivmarie, with the phelgm and mucus. Last week was being sick and it was all phelgm :-( Its awful isnt it, makes you feel really tired and miserble. Im going to the docs in the morning so will let you know what advise he gives me!

01-07-13, 12:10
its really bad now my ribs are so sore, my throat is hurting, the doc who gave me the xray form has put LRTI on the clincal question part . its so frustrating, i keep having this deep breath/yawning issue. its terrible im at work and i cant focus.

01-07-13, 12:22
Im at work too and find it so hard to concentrate. Last night i felt like I couldnt breath and it was making me feel lightheaded. Like someone had a clamp around me just under my breasts. I do suffer with my sinuses and I know that this wont help with the mucus but I just did a little research on the internet and a lot of sites say that anxiety cant make mucus production increase. Whilst I dont feel particularly anxious at the moment I have been very busy at work and things have been a bit stressful at home, perhaps its all coming to a head?

01-07-13, 13:11
Yeah that's the same for me i had started my cbt and thought i was doing OK, then id been busy at work and stuff, had abit of a crazy weekend the i came down all fatigued and she asked me to do a urine sample and said it was showing signs of infection, and gave me anti biotics, then since friday afternoon this urge to breath deep/yawn has increased so much. yeah thats where mine is feel like someone has got a belt and is pulling it around my waist.