View Full Version : They would have caught heart failure...right?

28-06-13, 21:31
As regular visitors to this forum know, I've had health probs the last few months. Basically my heart races whenever I do anything and i can pass out, and all sorts of other scary episodes and problems. I was cleared by my cardiologist after tests and was told I seem to have a condition affecting my heart but not coming from my heart, probably pots syndrome. I had odd symps when I was younger too so I find that hard to believe at times, especially when I feel really bad.

I was told that I wasn't in extra danger of dropping dead from this, but that can be very hard to believe too. I'm very debilitated and every time my heart feels funny I think 'oh god'. But after so many echos, a holter, ekgs and a cardiac ct scan, wouldn't they have seen heart failure? I can't think what other heart thing could be causing all my symptoms, but sometimes I worry there is something rare I don't know of :unsure: So hard at times to believe I could feel this bad and still be 'okay'.

30-06-13, 00:17
Yes, let my reassure you that heart failure would most definitely be picked up on an echocardiogramm, Plus you would have a very noticeable heart murmur too. Hope this helps some :)

30-06-13, 18:10
CCF would certainly have been picked up. It sounds like you need to be referred to a neurologist.

30-06-13, 18:11
It would have been picked up for sure. Just remind yourself when it happens, you have got through every other episode of it unharmed.

Hope they can sort you soon. :hugs:

30-06-13, 18:20
Thanks for the replies. See I know these things, but like I say, there's the unconvinced part of me that goes 'but if that happened, it could cause that, and it wouldn't show up unless that'. That part of me worries that they'd be writing a very interesting posthumous paper on me and my 'unusual presentation' or very rare condition or that sort of thing. It all started with a bad flu, and the one proper echo (not emergency looking for fluid) I had done, the girl said there was a 'shadow' over my heart and it was hard to see. Was sent for an urgent x-ray which showed nothing strange, and my cardiologist reassured me that the pumping power was fine, but still a little odd. The girl was getting very frustrated and practically stabbing me with the thing; hope she got proper images of it.

Anyway, thanks; reassuring me is just difficult sometimes haha.

30-06-13, 18:28
This sounds like Woolf-Parkinson-White syndrome. Please google it and see if your symptoms are the same. It is caused by an elecrtical fault in the heart and can be cured with an operation or managed with drugs.

30-06-13, 19:02
Come in Dr Google :mad:
Dont Google it, your Cardiologist would have spotted this I promise you its rare but shows up on an ECG and as massively changed delta waves, see what Google does it makes us all Drs LOL
Go see your Dr again, not because their is anything massively wrong but to put your mind at ease.
Are you plump ? hope you dont mind me asking x

30-06-13, 19:05
Hi Andrea2607, thanks for the suggestion. I considered WPW, but it wouldn't seem to fit with a lot of my symptoms. The electrophysiologist didn't seem to think it was likely either, or that I had any electrical issue. Though this was months ago and he thought it would probably clear up a lot quicker. But hopefully getting an event monitor tomorrow, so maybe I'll get to see what's actually going on when I do stuff.

Edit: AlexandriaUK; don't worry, I've literally looked up and considered every condition I could find already. Like i said, the only thing aside from POTS i could find that would kinda fit would be some sort of heart failure, but I'd prob be getting lung problems or whatever and like I said, presumably it would have shown up. Nope not plump lol. Was for about four years as a kid, but that was a long while ago now.

30-06-13, 19:06
Andrea 2607 I don't think it's sensible to be diagnosing people on here, this an anxiety forum and people come for reassurance - the last thing we should be doing is googling anything it feeds our anxiety, please stop scaring people.