View Full Version : what medication?

08-10-06, 16:30
Can you please tell me what if any medication you are on & whether you have found it helps?side effects etc.

I'm not on any at the moment but am goin to the dr's 2morrow/I'm so embarrased -have no idea what i'm gonna say[V]

08-10-06, 16:45
Do,nt feel like that just tell your g.p. how you feel .Im off to mine tomoz not that i,m expecting any meds to cure me ,positive thinking helps me but saying that i have taken diazapam on and off for travelling. go wiht the flow ,let us know how you get on.lorraine:D

08-10-06, 17:00
Hi Fiona,dont worry about the doctors,just let them know how you are feeling.There are so many different medications,and all have different side affects, if any.Some people get different affects than others.So you may not get the same side affect as someone else.Try not to read the side affects which come with the medication.as you will be sure to get some after reading it.Dont be embarrased about going to the doctors,we have all been there.Since being back on my meds Iv been alot better.

Ellen XX

08-10-06, 17:11
Anxiety is the number one illness that effects people. When I first went to the doctors, I actually gave him a letter because I was too scared to talk, but now I can talk to him at ease. You will be fine.

08-10-06, 17:38
Hi Fiona

Like Ellen says there are lots of different meds, i had to try a couple of different ones before i found the right one for me, they helped alot.

Also like you i never knew what to say at the doctors, i always find it helps now to write a few notes to take with me, then i dont forget what i want to ask.

Im sure you will be fine.



08-10-06, 18:00
hello fiona

the gp should find the right medication for you
cos not everything works for everyone
just tell him how you are feeling and let him do the rest

as has been said sometimes it helps to write things down and take it to gp


the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past

08-10-06, 21:07
Hi Fiona

I've been on and off Xanax. It works for me but is a temp measure and does not address the root causes of my anxiety. It can leave me feeling quite confused and foggy headed....a def feeling of a chemical in me that wasn't present previously (bit vague I know but difficult to describe) i'm sure the Doc will be fine and, as mine said, you have no idea how many people there are just like you.

All the best


Ma Larkin
09-10-06, 13:33
Hi Fiona, I've been on Prozac for about 4 months now. At first I took Diazepam and Prozac together, but once the Prozac kicked in I weaned myself off the Diazepam. I can honestly say that I have never had a panic attack since taking the Prozac. I won't read side effects, If I'm going to get a side effect I'll know straight away. I have got one that I know of and that's not sleeping very well, but to be honest, I'd rather be tired than suffer with a panic attack, there is no comparison.

There are hundreds of different types of medication for anxiety and panic, a lot of people on this site are on the same or something similar, and your GP will advise you what is best for you. I ended up in tears with my GP the first time I went, but he was brilliant. The Prozac did take about 6-8 weeks to kick in, but I wouldn't look back now. I've even weaned myself down to half the dose I'm supposed to take, not brave enough to come off them completely yet, but I hope to be by Christmas.

If they work, half the battle is over. I must admit, a lot of my recovery has been to do with positive thinking. I have to keep convincing myself that every time I get a chest pain, it isn't a heart attack, it's something and nothing. Panic attacks are the worst thing I've ever been through, I wouldn't wish them on my worst enemy and I couoldn't have done it without meds.

Hope they work for you if your GP recommends them.


09-10-06, 14:40
went to the dr's this morning he was brilliant.Said he wants me to talk valium and sleeping tablets JUST for ONE week,then to go back and see him and we'll sort something else out.

Ended up in tears but he was lovely.

many thanks for all your support and sure i'll need to all more![8D]


09-10-06, 19:20
i took paxil for a month and i stopped taking it. whatever you do, refuse to take paxil. paxil withdrawal was the worst experiance of many peoples lives. luckily i only took the lowest dose for a month and i still had terrible dizziness, depersonilzation and worse anxiety. just some advice, if you decide to take a medication, dont take paxil, instead take something with a longer half life, like prozac, so if you ever want to come off of it, you wont have a problem.

12-10-06, 12:41
Hi dont be ashamed or embarrassed to talk to your GP. When I first met mine I thought he was a right plum, now I think hes an angel. hes been an amazing support for myself and Im not sure if I could of done it otherwise, I went to see him once about 4 days ina row, and he was quite content chatting with me about my anxieties. Im stronger now and I dont have panics at all, sometimes I get anxious about things which are stupid, but when I realise I manage to stop them now. Use your GP, thats what there there for!! If your really dont feel comfortable ask to speak to another GP.

As for the meds thing, were all diffrent. Some havent worked for me and now the ones I am on now are brilliant. Were all diffrent hun, just go with the flow and try some diffrent ones if they dont work.

take care xx