View Full Version : deep depression for some of day :-/

29-06-13, 11:28
Ok I get this alot I get sudden really bad depressed feeling for some of day for maybe an hour or two sometimes :-(
Then I think oh im going to go mental and its scary. Is this depression or just down feeling?

29-06-13, 11:50
Hi Fluff, I get this the same because of the extreme anxiety and panic I have been going through it has made me very depressed, like you it doesn't always last all day, mine is worst in the mornings as on waking I go straight into anx/panic, I have been keeping a diary and it goes up and down each day.

29-06-13, 11:54
Thats a good idea im going to keep a record of mine aswell to see if there a pattern I often think im bipolar or something but im prob not x

29-06-13, 14:55
Yes it might be times when you are low on food, for me, before lunch or before dinner. I'm fine in the evening useally when stocked up. Depression used to be called "depletion" and that's one reason why. Eat more snacks too, keep youre energy up.
I thought I had bipolar, but up and down happens over several weeks for them, not bits during the day.

29-06-13, 15:28
Yes well I am dieting at the moment again so this could be it :-/

29-06-13, 16:40
Ah...see I'm a bit anti-diet :blush: Dieting does cause low mood in some people, I'll try dig out some research. My dad for one. I consider being overwieght is due to lacking something rather than having too much. Could be nutritional, emotional, or on a life-level. Having less is only feeding it. That's just my view. Not only that but you ate in a way that made you happy. You are now eating in a way that doesn't make you happy. Doesn't add up. That's just my view on dieting.

29-06-13, 16:45
Ok :-) well I think I have a prob with trying to control things in my life what I can control if that makes sence.

02-07-13, 12:33
Feeling depressed again slightly all I know is last night I couldnt sleep well I felt scared and I have alot to think about and worrie about :-/ im sure lack of sleep makes me worse too

---------- Post added at 12:33 ---------- Previous post was at 10:17 ----------

Had a good cry now feel abit better

02-07-13, 13:25
Hi Fluff I think that your doctor will decide whether you are suffering from clinical depression or not? Clinical depression is usually characterised by low mood and a host of other symptoms as well such as poor sleep, suicidal thoughts/ideas, inability to concentrate, inability to make decisions and a whole lot of others. When I was severely depressed even getting out of bed was an effort. I didn't really do a lot I obsessed and worried about a lot of things. Moods can dip and rise during the day and that might not mean you are depressed. Bi-polar 1 and 2 to be diagnosed by a psychiatrist and are usually characterised by long periods of depression and then mania. Some people rapid cycle as well and there are symptoms that are not bi-polar but fall within the spectrum. EJ

02-07-13, 14:32
Yes well I have been like this for a while I went about 7 months of feeling really good. I have been told I have depression and gad before also a councellor said ptsd
Im trying to get as much support as possible now so it can make it easier to deal with xx

---------- Post added at 14:32 ---------- Previous post was at 14:07 ----------

I feel abit empty feeling like a nothingness I hope this cbt helps when I get it I really cant go on feeling like this. I seem to be like this then I will obsess about things ive got to do I do have an awful lot on my plate at the moment :-( have done for past year or so I feel abit overwhelmed with it all x

04-07-13, 10:16
Was feeling really down again with negative thoughts. Just had a call from my support worker and already feel better looks like I get another call in a few days to arrange a meeting feels like things are moving now x

05-07-13, 19:03
Feeling miles better today anxiety wise perhaps its the lovely weather we have had :-)
Been out 3 times today aswell doing various things with my son a great day x

05-07-13, 20:50
Feeling miles better today anxiety wise perhaps its the lovely weather we have had :-)
Been out 3 times today aswell doing various things with my son a great day x

That sounds good. I'm glad you're feeling better today. The weather has been brilliant today! :)

07-07-13, 15:23
Thankyou sparkle.
Feeling really tired today hardly any energy have been out this morning to by sons summer shoes, now been sleeping for two hours I think it could just be the heat.

---------- Post added at 15:23 ---------- Previous post was at 14:52 ----------

I feel bit better I just keep feeling my heart beat :-/ and in different places

08-07-13, 10:54
I have my support worker tomorow I feel really nervous about it. Just silly things like what should I say lol

09-07-13, 17:10
All went really well with support worker I said things and she understood what has happened to me with no judgement. And has given me lots of good advice and help we meeting every two weeks now xx

12-07-13, 19:35
Ive had another good day, and had a lovely day out with a friend on wednesday.
Now starting my cbt its just over the phone and info all sent to me for now :-)

12-07-13, 19:41
That's great news, it sounds like you're doing well. :)

12-07-13, 20:04
Thanks sparkle well ive had enough of these low moods anxiety etc
And its my life now and I need to take the control and want to enjoy it again xx

13-07-13, 12:31
Although ive been feeling better, im getting lots of headaches not sure if its just the hot weather. Going to do abit of clothes shopping today x

---------- Post added at 12:31 ---------- Previous post was at 09:11 ----------

I think the headaches must have been from stopping caffine I had a tea out and the headache went perhaps I should cut these out slowly. Anyway shopping went well bought some summer clothes now home relaxing :-)

14-07-13, 09:42
I woke in the night and thought god ive been though alot of bad stuff in my life already but I managed not to dwell and thought about how better things are now. Got up this morning feel good off for a picnic today :-)

15-07-13, 19:25
All still good for fluff :-o had another lovely day with my son and a trip to the park, no anxiety or low moods. Started some of my cbt work aswell xx

16-07-13, 12:31
I'm glad you've had another good day. :) Are your CBT sessions held during the day or in the evenings? I'd like to ask for 1:1 CBT but I wouldn't really want to have to take time off work if possible.

16-07-13, 13:38
Its during day sparkle over the phone and they post and email you the worksheets etc. They only do mon-fri 9.00-5.00 xx

16-07-13, 16:57
glad your having good days. :), thinking of you.

17-07-13, 19:05
All went really well today and a good outcome. And for some of you who know I did win today :-)

19-07-13, 14:21
Im still having good days :-)
I still have anxiety symptoms but not too bad I expect they will linger a while anyway. Off swimming tomorow so that should be nice x

23-07-13, 21:29
Having a bad time of it :-(
I have such alot to worry about again I must stay strong again things were going well but I just cant take the abuse no more :-(

29-07-13, 19:45
Had my cbt today and having help with assertiveness techniques so should be helpful with my situation

01-08-13, 14:04
Had a good day so far, ive made a few decitions and im sticking to them :-)
Had a nice walk with son and played in park, got lots of things done at home today aswell nice just feeling normal my anxiety symptoms are not too bad today x