View Full Version : I think I'm ugly :(

29-06-13, 13:49
I honestly think I'm ugly and horrible to look at, I feel as though I have a big nose, too many freckles and a big chin. I also have pitted skin where I have suffered with acne for many years.
When I see myself in the mirror I'm disgusted.
Should I add a pic? If I do will you give honest opinions?

29-06-13, 13:56
Who cares what you look like to be honest?

We don't

It is the person inside that counts.

29-06-13, 14:25
No ones ugly Hun.
It's the person inside that counts. :)

29-06-13, 14:41
Who cares what you look like to be honest?

We don't

It is the person inside that counts.

I feel like the first thing someone is judged on is looks though. And unfortunately in the society we live in, it's all focused around looks and not personality these days :(

29-06-13, 14:57
Well you can't change the way you look so you just have to accept that is how you were born and make the most of it.

29-06-13, 15:00
Me Instagram:

http://i1303.photobucket.com/albums/ag143/Jen_Fidge/image_zps0ecc702e.jpg (http://s1303.photobucket.com/user/Jen_Fidge/media/image_zps0ecc702e.jpg.html)

Me normal but with makeup - pits visible and all:

http://i1303.photobucket.com/albums/ag143/Jen_Fidge/image_zps48968cbd.jpg (http://s1303.photobucket.com/user/Jen_Fidge/media/image_zps48968cbd.jpg.html)

29-06-13, 15:17
You're very pretty :)

---------- Post added at 15:17 ---------- Previous post was at 15:16 ----------

I was born with a facial birthmark that I have never accepted or been happy with and I too feel ugly

29-06-13, 15:23
What would you like anybody to do about how you see yourself?

29-06-13, 15:25
Your really pretty you have lovely eyes and hair :D

29-06-13, 15:36
you are very pretty hun

29-06-13, 15:38
Well I agree with fluff your eyes wonderful and you hair is too.

You are far from ugly, I would say very pretty indeed.

We all look at ourselves differently than other people do and we are all our own worst critics.
I find myself to be ugly but some tell me different (on the odd occasion).

Look at the replies you are getting and everyone of them is a compliment on you looks.
When you feel down and worried just open this thread and smile you pretty smile and light the world up.


29-06-13, 16:33
If that's ugly then I have no chance

29-06-13, 16:54
You have stunning eyes, and obviously make an effort with your apperance. You are definitely not ugly ! It is very easy for us to be self critical as we notice all the wrinkles and bits nobody else does. Neither your nose or chin looks big to me either

29-06-13, 17:10
Just seen your post and photo, My GOSH you are so pretty. I wish I had your looks
you are stunning:)

29-06-13, 17:15
Thank you all for your kind words.
Bear in mind I have makeup on in these photos, I would never post a photo without.
I just feel so ugly when I look in the mirror, I know everyone has their flaws but I constantly compare myself to everyone, when I know I shouldn't. I focus on the negative always.

29-06-13, 17:26
Do you choose your friends on how they look? I bet the answer is no! If a friend suddenly erupted in acne would that be the end of your friendship? Again I'm guessing that the answer is no! Everyone has imperfections and nobody else cares - if people like you then its because of who you are - not what you look like! Nobody is perfect!!!!!

Everyone is ultra critical of themselves - its natural, especially those with low confidence. I promise you that it gets easier as you get older :)

I've noticed all the women who post images of themselves on this site (because they feel ugly) are usually very attractive and you are no exception - its your confidence you need to work on and not how you look.

29-06-13, 18:24
Attention seeking much? I am not even sure if you are on the right forum to be honest. You know full well you are not ugly. Unless you read to many fashion magazine's or watch too much TV I fail to see where you come from. I knew someone who was born face disfigured, he was one of the most beautiful people I knew. Maybe you can define what's ugly and what's not to the rest of us? Anyway, sorry for the harsh rant but I get annoyed by young women who think they are ugly, most say it because they want to be told how great they look, knowing full well they look great anyway.

29-06-13, 18:42
Attention seeking much? I am not even sure if you are on the right forum to be honest. You know full well you are not ugly. Unless you read to many fashion magazine's or watch too much TV I fail to see where you come from. I knew someone who was born face disfigured, he was one of the most beautiful people I knew. Maybe you can define what's ugly and what's not to the rest of us? Anyway, sorry for the harsh rant but I get annoyed by young women who think they are ugly, most say it because they want to be told how great they look, knowing full well they look great anyway.

That's honestly not how I feel. I am not attention seeking in any way. I do see myself as unattractive. I've been on these forums for many years and have never posted a photo of myself because I have always wanted to stay hidden.
I know I don't have disfigurements as such but I compare myself constantly to people in the media and celebrities and how we are all *supposed* to look.
It's a little unfair of you to jump to conclusions about me, I am on the right forum because I suffer from extreme anxiety all the time and have struggled with this all my life.

29-06-13, 19:21
Your not ugly Hun. I wish I looked like you! You have lovely hair!

29-06-13, 19:31
Attention seeking much? I am not even sure if you are on the right forum to be honest. You know full well you are not ugly. Unless you read to many fashion magazine's or watch too much TV I fail to see where you come from. I knew someone who was born face disfigured, he was one of the most beautiful people I knew. Maybe you can define what's ugly and what's not to the rest of us? Anyway, sorry for the harsh rant but I get annoyed by young women who think they are ugly, most say it because they want to be told how great they look, knowing full well they look great anyway.

I don't think she is attention seeking but just seeking reassurance from strangers. If she feels ugly in herself then maybe she needs this reassurance.

You are not ugly at all girlafraid - very beautiful and lovely hair.

29-06-13, 19:51
Yes theres alot of pressure on us young girls to be like the celebrities im the same I more worry about if im too fat I will always find a part of my body which I feel is too fat

29-06-13, 20:06
Here's a site that has celebrities with and without makeup next to each other - http://www.foxnews.com/slideshow/entertainment/2013/06/05/stars-without-makeup/#slide=10

Type a celebrities name into Google then add without makeup to see how they really look - It should cheer you up no end :)

29-06-13, 20:41
Ok, then I apologise for jumping to conclusions. You look good and have no reason to think you're ugly.

29-06-13, 20:44
GIRL AFRAID - are you for real......??????. You look fabulous - end of!!!

Bags comment - hilarious:roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:

29-06-13, 20:57
I think you look really pretty in your pic- and a happy person- honest opinion :)

I honestly think sometimes anxiety/depression affects the confidence and how we feel about ourselves.

29-06-13, 22:51
Do you know what - it doesn't matter. I get really fed up with magazines & TV projecting an image of how women should look & unless we're a size 6, 5'10 & have flawless skin, we may as well get to the back of the ugly queue! Yes, you are very pretty sweetheart but guess what - your personality is what is going to get you through life. A pretty face is nice to look at but genuine people want to see beyond that. Personally I don't give a crap about how people look. If someone can make good conversation, make me smile & laugh then they have my full attention. Please don't fall into the trap of always worrying or caring about the way you look..... life is too short! Work on that confidence & everything else will fall into place. Big hugs. xxxxx

blue October
29-06-13, 23:25
You have the most beautiful eyes and hair and skin.

But i feel what you are saying, nobody can beat you up as well as your self.


29-06-13, 23:32
Firstly you look great..
Secondly, our body is just a house for our soul to live in...
Your soul is who you are...looks fade , but you are still you ...
People who live a life based on their looks alone, don't truly live a fulfilled life ..i.e. celebs etc..

30-06-13, 13:13
Thanks for all your comments guys.
You are all really kind x

30-06-13, 16:35
Your appearance is just fine, honestly the only people who would say you are ugly are fools or just flat out jerks.

30-06-13, 16:38
You are beautiful. My husband couldn't believe it when I said you thought you are ugly. He said you are really lovely :D

30-06-13, 16:46
I agree with what everyone else has said, you look beautiful in your pictures! Your nose is not big at all, seriously I have quite a big nose so I should know! You said you have makeup on but you don't seem to have much on from what I can see, I think you look naturally pretty. I think even without anxiety people can unfortunately be unhappy with parts of their bodies. But, if it's effecting you a great deal maybe speaking to someone professional may help? I know of someone with body dysmorphic disorder, not to say you suffer from this but it may be worth a research if it's bothering you.

01-07-13, 17:59

I find we all worry to differing degrees about some part of our body or anatomy. But I also find that the things we worry about are never the things that people notice about us. I used to know a girl who would worry constantly about her stomach not being flat enough but I never ever noticed that about her at all. All I ever noticed was her eyes and her smjle. From your photos I certainly think you look like a very ptretty girl. I'm pretty sure if I met you in a bar I'd be saying hi and introducing myself very quickly :-)

Andrew :-)

02-07-13, 19:49

I find we all worry to differing degrees about some part of our body or anatomy. But I also find that the things we worry about are never the things that people notice about us. I used to know a girl who would worry constantly about her stomach not being flat enough but I never ever noticed that about her at all. All I ever noticed was her eyes and her smjle. From your photos I certainly think you look like a very ptretty girl. I'm pretty sure if I met you in a bar I'd be saying hi and introducing myself very quickly :-)

Andrew :-)

Thank you for your kindness once again :)

Daisy Sue
03-07-13, 01:31
I just wanted to add to what everyone's said already - you're not ugly, and I think you probably know that.. but more importantly, going on what you said earlier about first appearances, you look like a really lovely person - and that is far more important than your individual facial features.

It's easy, when we're anxious or stressed out about something, to look inward and be critical of one part of us... if it wasn't your face you were worrying about it would be something else, your feet, your bum... we're far too self-destructive sometimes, and most people who know & love us would be astounded if they knew our inner fears.

Just be you, enjoy being you, and the genuine people in your life will take you as you are. :)

03-07-13, 03:04
I have a question what if your ugly inside as well?

03-07-13, 16:26
I have to say, I was surprised when I saw your photo. I can honestly say you are very attractive and should walk with your head held high. You will turn heads, no question about that.

03-07-13, 22:08
check ur inbox girlafraid :)

19-07-13, 22:41
If you hide, then how can anyone learn to trust you. Be proud of your freckles, toss the makeup and tie your hair back. You're a wonderwoman. Let it shine through instead of smothering it in eye-shadow and lipstick!

19-07-13, 23:03
A lot of people have distorted views of themselves, it's sad and yeah it's encouraged by society today. All this cosmetic surgery and model stuff.. One day you will believe us all when we say that you're truly pretty! Not just saying that either. I probably wouldn't have posted otherwise :P Stay positive.

19-07-13, 23:44
I've just seen your photo and you really have NOTHING to be worried about! Sometimes people can be cruel when they are actually jealous of you, they want to bring you down if they sense you are pretty but vulnerable. It gives them a feeling of power. You need to find out why your self-esteem is so low. Who makes you feel like that? If it is something you do to yourself and no one else is putting you down you should probably go for counselling or something. You are NOT ugly!!!!!