View Full Version : I keep Coughing

29-06-13, 13:50
Hi all,

I've recently had a episode where i could not stop coughing, i went to the doctor and he thinks it's acid reflux. this was 2 weeks ago, last week it started to get better then i caught a cold again and i had a runny nose and a slight fever but that's gone, now i just have a really persistent bad cough again :( The worst thing is i had the same thing at the same time last year! I have been diagnosed with general anxiety disorder since 21, now 26 and i have a stressful environment at work. but i am at my wits end with this cough, the reason I think stress is making it worse is whenever i get anxious is gets worse but it's not all anxiety i know it's real i just don't know what to do to make it better. I may have acid reflux i don't know, my right side of my ribs hurt as well now.

i'm just scared it'll come back each year or never go away and googling it helps but also makes it worse.

i don't smoke, drink or have a bad diet so i don't know what it could be. I have another appointment with the doctor next week, but because I have anxiety they don't take anything i say seriously, they just put it down to that.

Thanks in advnace by the way :)

01-07-13, 21:16
Did he give you any meds for it? If you really think they don't take you seriously, and you can't feel you trust them, perhaps you need to think about changing GP?

02-07-13, 22:13
I have had exactly the same thing. I have had antibiotics twice and although the heavy sounded cough has gone I now have a cough that just feels like an irritation. I have had a few days in-between without a cough. Then this tickle and cough comes back. I also had it last year so it has been suggested that I have an allergy to something this time of year that is causing irritation and its just coincidence that I have had a chest infection as well x

02-07-13, 22:22
I am recovering from a horrible viral chest infection and have a cough that has gone on for five weeks. My Dr told me it could be several more weeks before it resolves. Years ago I remember having a cough that I couldn't shake off for months and I became obsessed with it. Looking back, I think the cough itself basically became like a nervous reaction caused by my tension and obsession! It went in the end but it lasted a really long time.