View Full Version : Disappointment after NLP session

08-10-06, 17:58
As some of you will know i have been really curious about NLP. I watched the Lawrence Leyton show and chatted with him on this site recently. Anyway I decided to pay for a session and paid £150 for an NLP therapist to come to my house. He said he could 'cure' me in one session which i was very sceptical about. Anyway i was still curious so i went ahead with it.

I really enjoyed the session was very motivated and was able to get into it, can you imagine then my absolute devastation when it did not work. I spent the whole of the next day crying and have not been right since. I cannot believe how gutted i am and yet i know realistically there is not one magic cure. I can't stop crying and am feeling more anxious just now. I woke up this morning thinking maybe i do need medication but don't really want it. How on earth do you get through it when anxiety is this bad. Thankfully it is not always like this but i have forgotten how bad it can be! Some TLC please!!! Nicola.x


08-10-06, 18:03

i'm sorry it hasnt worked for you maybe its just the after effects of the therapist and you may feel different soon


the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past

08-10-06, 19:05

Im so sorry you feel really bad about the session. A huge blow after such a guarentee. This man was wrong to guarentee such a thing. Some phobias can be cured in only one session with nlp,thats true, but thats thkngs like spiders and heights, such thinkgs that dont interfere with your life in a huge way. But agoraphobia is a little more tricky, its manifested into something huge, a belief thats taken over and wil clearly take a few sessions. BUT.... try not to sweat so much. Youve just had a session, now try to carry on with your LL software and put all the techniques into practise, this nlp session might just kick start a new life for you.

Hope this helps
Becci x
P.s do the hypnosis track everyday on the software.

08-10-06, 19:46
Hi Nicola and sorry to hear about the NLP, You are probs feeling worst that someone could build your hopes up, take your money then get nothing from it. You should call them again and ask for your money back or get further session free, If they said they could make you better they have broken there contract. I tried lots of things in the past which haven’t worked, I tried hypnosis it only cost £30 but did no good at all. I tried Reiki It was worth the £30 it costs but it didn’t really make a big difference, but was so relaxing at the time and I did feel much better for the rest of the day and the day after. The best I have found is using positive affirmations and reading self help books. Books are quite cheep if you scout about a bit for them, they give you quite a few nights reading and pleasure, and if you only pick up a couple of tips from each book its worth it? I have never really been a reader in all my life but since I have started going to bed and having a half hour read every night I really look forward to my little read each night now. Anyway hope you start to feel a bit better soon, Take care Vernon

08-10-06, 21:25
Hang in there Nicola. Lots of things get worse before they get better. If not I'd definitely do what Vernon says: ask for money back or another session. Hope you feel better soon.


08-10-06, 21:50
Sorry to hear that Nicola....terrible to have your hopes built up like that and really quite irresponsible of this "therapist" Without belittling the views of anyone who feels they have benefitted from NLP I have to say I'm very sceptical about it all and it seems to have no scientific grounds for the claims it's practitioners make. It's even been compared to Scientology. I know though the temptation to clutch at anything. Just tonight I've had a particularly anxious time with all sorts of alarming symptoms and could gladly hand over all my money to someone if they promised they would make this go away for ever.

For what it's worth my anxiety is really on top of me at the mo and I fully understand what you're going through. There will be better days though!!
