View Full Version : Sleep problems beyond desperate

30-06-13, 09:55
I have been having strange sleeping habits since March 2013 which literally developed overnight.
I can fall asleep most nights very easily, in fact often I am very tired. But then I wake up anywhere between 2-5 hours, and still feel tired (I often need to pee). I can then sleep another hour or so depending on how many hours I slept in the first block. Usually I cannot sleep more than six hours in total. On good nights it is 4 hours plus one on bad nights it is 3 hours plus three. Sometimes I wake multiple times.
I was very anxious when this problem started and my doctor says I am suffering from generalised anxiety but I don't think he is right.
If it was anxiety, why can I fall asleep ok?
If it is anxiety why can I fall back asleep afet my first awaking ok?
If it is anxiety why can I not fall back asleep after I have had five hours sleep in total?
I think I have a sleep disorder or CFS. I have spoken with many suffers of anxiety and there problems seem to be a troubled mind that prevents them falling asleep and/or waking up and not beeing able to return to sleep. Or waking up and sleeping many more hours.
Does anybody else suffer from this. I am desperate to hear from people who suffer from a similar problem.

30-06-13, 13:12
Hello Mezzanin,

I had a sleep problem similiar to yours, and i know how it really gets you down. I don't think mine had anything to do with anxiety, but in the end i would worry about not getting enough sleep; there is nothing worse than not getting enough sleep.

In the end i tried various strategies, which have helped - i am now sleeping so much better. Although difficult, try not to focus on this sleeping pattern (don't go to bed wondering what sort of night you will have - go to bed accepting you will probably be waking up. Also at least 3 hours or so before going to bed don't use the computer or do anything which is likely to stimulate your brain. Gently wind down for the evening - turn lights down low. They say that 'blue light' generated from computers and tvs etc and other artificial light can affect our production of a certain hormone - melatonin (i think) which helps to regulate sleep. I invested in a pair of glasses to wear three hours before bed - think they are called blue light glasses - check it out on the net.
I also stopped wearing sun glasses so much during the day, because it is important to make sure you get a good amount of natural light, which also regulates the correct balance of melatonin. I then changed my routine, by getting up an hour and half earlier, taking good exercise - long walk - and going to bed a little later. All these changes have made a huge difference - I now sleep pretty much through - 6 - 7 hours uninterrupted - unless i am feeling particularly anxious about something.

Hope this will help.

30-06-13, 22:58
Thank you so much for that

30-06-13, 23:00
Anxiety is known to affect sleep

01-07-13, 06:31
Anxiety is known to affect sleep

I know
But my sleep pattern seems so specific

02-07-13, 16:36
This is what worries me. Nobody is really replying
Nobody has the same sleep problems as me.
Does anybody fall asleep ok, wake up three hours later, fall back asleep easily again for another hour and then wake up and can't sleep again.

02-07-13, 16:39
Have you had two threads? I thought I'd posted an answer to this somewhere...

02-07-13, 16:42
Hello Mezzanin, i am same at moment, i go to sleep ok and then wake up at 4.30 to 5pm, i can;t fall back to sleep that easy but i do eventually but no way can lie in. anxiety can cause this and we've just got to try and relax and try not to worry about it (easier said than done i know). trouble is wen not sleeping well it highlights the anxiety. I really hope you get your sleep pattern back soon. xx

02-07-13, 16:43
I don't sleep well. I can't fall asleep then I wake almost every hour and look at the clock and think I haven't slept.

I have been like this for many many years now.

I have not found a solution to it.

02-07-13, 17:13
Have you had two threads? I thought I'd posted an answer to this somewhere...

trying to maximise a response. reeks of desperation i know

06-07-13, 12:52
If you haven't already, try a few cups of camomile before you go to sleep. It's very soothing and usually helps you have an uninterrupted sleep