View Full Version : going crazy here

30-06-13, 10:10
on verge of having a massive hyperventilating fit here and just cant hold it back so wacked a few pills down to try and keep it at bay... 4mg diazepam,75mg preg, 40mg beta blocker, 10mg citalopram, hope that keeps it back...

30-06-13, 12:05
That's the sensible thing to do if you feel a massive wave of panic coming on and don't feel able to cope with it. I'm in the early days of taking Prozac and have done exactly the same thing - Propanolol, Diazepam and Pregabalin and rode the wave as best I could.

Hope you're feeling better now?

30-06-13, 13:08
thanks tufty, feeling abit calmer now... I hate that feeling of being on the edge of loosing control... what doses are you on if you don't mind me asking.. ive only just started the preg at 75mg x2 a day,and prop at 40mg x2 a day..

30-06-13, 13:20
Glad you are starting to feel better after taking meds.

I wasn`t very pleased with my CBT therapist. I have been prescribed diazepam for years, only to take 1 5mg when needed. I`m very careful with them. 28 lasts about 3 months. I take them when I feel I`m losing control. heart races, can`t sit still and pace the floor thinking Im going mad.

CBT therapist called it a crutch, more or less not to take them. But Im not taking her advice there. If I think I need it, Im taking it.

30-06-13, 13:27

CBT therapist called it a crutch, more or less not to take them. But Im not taking her advice there. If I think I need it, Im taking it.[/QUOTE]
Good for you Flori that don't know what it's like to be in that pit of despair and if you are using them that sparingly what is the harm x:)

30-06-13, 13:31
Thanks Kim,
They probably don`t know. My 5th and final session ends next week anyway. We don`t get long enough. This site and relaxation videos have helped me more. x:)

30-06-13, 14:24
Me too x

30-06-13, 18:57
I've been on various doses of Pregabalin from 150mg daily to 450mg daily and am currently on 350mg daily. I started taking Propanolol 40 mg 3 x a day just this week when I restarted Prozac, last year it helped when I restarting the medication but it took a while to become really effective - about 5 days. I don't take it too late at night either as it can cause insomnia. I take 2mg Diazepam when needed, increasing to 4mg when it's really bad and that is usually suffice.

Pregabalin is good for anxiety but not so good for panic attacks. It will reduce your general level of anxiety and by reducing your anxiety it should reduce the amount of panic attacks, but it may not get abolish them - which I think is what we all want.

I'm a firm believer that Diazepam has its place in the treatment of anxiety, in the short term, getting you out of a really bad place. So what if you need a crutch, do what's best for you to live the best quality of life you can do.

30-06-13, 19:40
If you broke your leg you would be recommended to use a crutch to take the weight off your leg and allow it to heal. If you need a crutch then use a crutch to help you get through the short term while you seek long term coping mechanisms.

Hope you're feeling a bit better now crosser!