View Full Version : Coccyx pain...again!

30-06-13, 11:46
Good morning. I was experiencing pain in my coccyx in February/March, which eased eventually but I was sat doing an assignment 2 weeks ago and sat in a really uncomfortable chair all day every day for about a week. Since then my coccyx has been aching like a bruised feeling, mainly when I sit or go from sitting to standing.obviously I have googled and am now worried sick I have cancer. Could it be from sitting in that position for so long? Also I have put on a lot of weight from medication so could that be contributing to it? I am worrying sick and I had just started to feel better with my HA :weep:

30-06-13, 13:25
Just sounds like a bruised coccyx most likely from what you say. ... sitting all day every day as you did. Give it a few weeks, it will settle down. :-)

30-06-13, 16:26
And it was a really uncomfortable chair with the bars coming through so I guess it could have been that :(

---------- Post added at 16:26 ---------- Previous post was at 13:28 ----------

Why can't I just think rationally about things I'm really working myself up about it now :(

01-07-13, 13:08
I wish I knew the answer to that too. I say the same to my Dr. I get really frustrated with myself because my brain just doesn't 'get' it sometimes. I feel really embarrassed after a panic attack when I finally get to think about it in a rational way. . . Don't be so hard on yourself. It's like scrambling a radio signal. .. sometimes the message gets through sometimes our brain can't process the information the body is receiving and you go into panic mode and there is no room for rational thinking. There really is nothing wrong though. You're perfectly safe and its nothing honestly. I slipped on a slimy boat ramp many years ago and hurt myself quite badly, it hurt like heck for such a long time afterward, I wouldn't be surprised if they said I had broken my coccyx from it, it was that sore.

01-07-13, 15:12
Thank you for your replies, I'm still worrying but trying to put it to the back of my mind like I did with the palpitations last week :hugs:

01-07-13, 16:03
Years ago I had an injured coccyx which felt just as you describe. Extra weight won't help, no, but exercises can. I think I'd ask the doctor about it if I were you. Backs are very complex and it's really easy to have a small injury you don't notice at the time which niggles for ages. I guess your GP knows about the HA and I'm sure they won't mind you asking about it. Apart from anything else, back pain is very tiring. I'm sure they will be able to reassure you. :hugs:

Rachel W
02-07-13, 03:22
I used to get a sore coccyx for days when I used to sleep on a camp bed even though there was no reason why as there was no seeming pressure on that point. It is a sensitive area and it can take a while to heal. My mum who is in her 70s has also been having pain there recently, went to the doctors and they weren't worried at all.
It will heal in time and I am sure it is nothing serious.

02-07-13, 20:24
I've just googled again and am now worrying myself sick, my coccyx is still tender ma:weep:inly when sitting and when going from sitting to standing. Why can't I just see it as a bruised coccyx rather than thinking it is some kind of terminal c :( so fed up with feeling like this

03-07-13, 01:16
I had this problem a few years ago. I still get it every now and then but not to the extent that I used to.
of course, I like you, made the mistake of googling and convinced myself I had cancer.

When I went to see my doctor she told me I had a very prominent Coccyx, which meant it was very easily irritated by sitting down. It started at a time when my Health Anxiety had me basically on the verge of depression, so I was spending a lot of time wallowing around the house - basically a lot of inactivity and sitting down. My doctor thinks this may have put extra pressure on the bone.
The only thing she could prescribe for it was a muscle rub and she recommended a Coccyx cushion.

The pain was a deep, achey kind of pain that seemed to come on if I'd been standing up for a long time and then sat down, sitting on certain type of chairs and also the motion of standing up from a sitting position.
To this day I still get pain if I go to sit down after spending a lot of time standing up but it's much less severe than it was and I tend to just ignore it now.

Please go and see your doctor about this. In my case my doctor barely had to examine me before identifying the problem (prominent tailbone).
I know HA can make you feel embarrassed about going to see the doctor (well it does me anyway) but this is something you first experienced in February/March time so you gave it plenty of time to get better on it's own. I'm sure you're doctors will be understanding.

Good luck. :bighug1:

03-07-13, 05:55
I get this often & since seeing an upper cervical chiropractor who specialises in Atlas Orthogonal & is an instrument adjusting chiropractor (doesn't manipulate or crack you) he did an adjustment twice & voila! no more pain. I'd say it something to do with a slight misalignment :)

03-07-13, 07:41
Well my HA has definitely returned because of this, I had a few weeks respite from it now I'm a mess again because if this damn coccyx. Candy floss do you say go to the gp because you think there is something seriously wrong with me? I'm so fed up of going round in circles :weep:

03-07-13, 13:33
Well my HA has definitely returned because of this, I had a few weeks respite from it now I'm a mess again because if this damn coccyx. Candy floss do you say go to the gp because you think there is something seriously wrong with me? I'm so fed up of going round in circles :weep:

Nope, I say go see a doctor because:
1) People over the internet can't diagnose you. No matter how much reassurance you get here, it's not the same as hearing it from a doctor (even though I have a habit of not believing my doctor either! :blush:) and you won't believe us over Doctor Google anyway.
and 2) because having lived with this problem myself, I know how uncomfortable it can get and isn't pleasant to live with. There was not much my doctor could prescribe me that helped but you might be different.

I can see you're panicking but your Coccyx pain seems to follow a similar pattern mine did (eases off at times but comes back) and I am fine. So try telling yourself what I did - would cancer ease off and on? When I thought about it that way I felt a lot better.

03-07-13, 23:10
Thank you I know I am being stupid but I really can't helpit. I have booked in with the GP tomorrow. I'm sure it's from sitting on a really uncomfortable chair for a week solid as it had settled down until then. :ohmy:

---------- Post added at 23:10 ---------- Previous post was at 20:07 ----------

I'm really worrying myself silly, I can't cope with feeling scared all the time. I don't want my kids growing up without me :weep: