View Full Version : extra virgin coconut oil

30-06-13, 15:06

is anybody using extra virgin coconut oil(apparently it as to be extra virgin)?
And if so have you benefited from using it?

It as fantastic reviews about it, it's used for a number of things.
Thinking of getting some.Just thought I'd ask if anybody is/as used it.

30-06-13, 15:25
Benefited from it in what way? to help anxiety? for your skin? what are you hoping to get from it, you don't say?

30-06-13, 15:50
My husband has had 2 heart attacks and on his list of foods to avoid coconut oil was one of them. You might like to read this article http://healthyeating.sfgate.com/health-benefits-organic-extra-virgin-coconut-oil-4305.html
As a Holistic therapist I have used coconut oil for massage as it is very good for the skin but don't go out in strong sunlight after putting coconut oil on as it will increase the risk of burning.

30-06-13, 16:24
Clio, I am sure you must be thinking of the oil for skin.
As Annie has said, Coconut is very bad for people with heart disease to eat or drink as it is full of cholesterol. It is on my list too.
Coconut oil is good for dry skin and dandruff

01-07-13, 11:36
Thanks Annie, that's an interesting article.

01-07-13, 13:11
Hey, here's a short piece of information about the pros of coconut oil for those who are interested http://foodmatters.tv/articles-1/10-great-reasons-you-should-be-using-coconut-oil

With everything else in life, there are pros and cons to everything and coconut oil should definately be avoided by those with heart problems; it is best to be well informed and educated about as much as possible.