View Full Version : Irrational worry over blood tests.......

30-06-13, 15:19
Found this site via recommendation and really hope you can help me put my mind at rest. I'm going through the dreaded menopause hence the username, and also as a DR phobic I haven't been anywhere near 'em for 8 years! Anyway, felt really bad with a night of meno symptoms and spoke to a nurse at the surgery the following day who instantly said I needed my bloods taken and booked me in for 8am on Wednesday morning and since then I have been nothing short of a mental wreck. Panic attack after attack...(I have made great friends with the toilet) and have dropped a dress size as well. The test is for full bloods and hormone levels and to be quite honest I feel pretty good in myself other then the mental train wreck - but I am UTTERLY convinced there is something wrong with me, and I know its entirely irrational.
The nurse was very vague about how long they take to come back - "Mon or Tues but they could be busy" , someone else has told me that I would have been phoned by now if there was something seriously wrong..........I have avoided phoning the surgery - but what would you do?
Incidentally I am also taking 10mg Citopralam and one capsule of Inositol - still feeling dreadful though.....am I just being stupid :huh:
I also live in Wales so not sure if they are quicker or slower...........

30-06-13, 16:36
Im exactly the same and just posted on someone's thread about how much blood tests send me into complete meltdown & how I then go through every possible outcome, in a very negative way.

Fingers crossed you'll be fine x

---------- Post added at 16:36 ---------- Previous post was at 16:36 ----------

The thread was - blood tests

30-06-13, 16:37
It will be okay... just be prepared for them to say sometihing like "It's normal to be abnormal" - which isn't a great help really! lol

30-06-13, 17:10
Thank you :bighug1: