View Full Version : Can blood tests change in 3 months

30-06-13, 18:15
Just beating myself up here as I'm still suffering alot with the chest and breathing stuff, two nights with no sleep. Feel like I constantly swallowing too. My mum just told me my glands are up, and I've had so much mucus and phlegm today some quite green. Along with the rib pain and constant need to take deep breaths I'm So fed up.

30-06-13, 18:40
What is your question about blood tests?

30-06-13, 18:46
Because I had blood tests done end of April and I want to know if they can change in that space of time, and would it explain why I'm feeling like this? My GP asked Thursday how recent I had them done I said April, she looked said all normal and didn't say anything else. So my question was can they rapidly change in three months?

30-06-13, 19:18
What were the tests for originally? If it was for what you are feeling now, that is reassuring isn't it? If something has changed, you need to go back to the doctor and explain. Try not to panic... It's usually a good idea to get green phlegm checked out , not because it's anything terrible, but because it might mean it's something which can be cleared up with an antibiotic.

30-06-13, 19:24
Well yeah pretty much I had full blood count, kidneys, thyroid etc all your usual ones, the GP said all normal.i originally went own with anxiety but was getting symptoms, I also had water infection which has came back.yeah it's only small bits but think it may help I woke up today really bunged up mum says might be all the pollen and humidity? X