View Full Version : A Strange Concept

08-10-06, 21:40
Does anyone experience this.....

I start to think about how I'm feeling and I suddenly become aware of the areas that I usually have symptoms. It's as though I'm ultra aware of my body. And then I cant seperate if the feelings I can feel are symptoms or simply me thinking about it all too much???? God that sounds so ridiculous, but its the best way I can explain it.

Plus, do you ever have times when you didnt feel so bad or anxious. But then you have symptoms and that triggers off anxiety????? I'd love to know if anyone has experienced this. It's been happening to me for the past week or two.


I want to go up to my anxiety, smile, put my arm around it and say to it caringly, 'Hey! How are you? How's your day been?'

Then, just as its about to answer me, I wanna throw a sack over it and give it a hiding within an inch of its life.

That would be nice.

09-10-06, 07:57

Defo, that is main main worry as I think to myself "Am I seriously ill or is it me causing the pain".


09-10-06, 09:25
hi dan, i am exactly the same - once i start thinking about symptoms or about a certain disease, this seems to sometimes trigger off the symptoms themselves.

i also find that i feel pretty much ok when i don't have a symptom, and i can think logically about stuff and really wonder if i have health anxiety at all. But then as soon as i get a symptom i get into this spiral of fear that completely overwhelms me. The last symptom i had i actually told my husband to book me into a mental hospital because i was going to have a breakdown (seriously), even though the day before i found the symptom i was feeling fine. When the doctor told me it was nothing i was fine again. Anxiety seems to catch me by surprise, and even though i know this, it still catches me out, every time :([:I]

take care

09-10-06, 11:39
hi dan, gosh thats exactly how i feel!! sometimes, i think i mistake the feelings for anxiety when they are something else. i think you become that aware of what anxiety does to your body, everything becomes that! it does sound silly doesnt it but very true. what are your smptoms? feel free to pm me anytime.
take care

09-10-06, 11:39

Thanks for the replies. I really am beginning to think that I dont know my own mind. I've been struggling with my main symptom for about a year now (Globus - Lump in the throat feeling). It comes and goes and the doctor said she thought it was almost certainly due to stress. But its come back again lately, no worse than normal, but I seem to be worried about it more than ever. I have no other real symptoms but I just seem to be so scared lately. My counsellor has said that she too thinks its down to anxiety so why cant I believe what people are telling me? I feel more scared lately than I have done in years. And I feel so silly for being like this because its not like I have a bad life or anything. My counsellor has said to me that its been a turbulent year for me and I dont realise how much so. I hope she is right because I dont normally feel so anxious. Maybe I'm surpressing things, I dont know. All I know is that I want to stop having these physical symptoms and get on with my life. If my symptoms havent got any worse (and its been ongoing for almost 12 months now) and they occasionally seem to ease almost completely, do you think its worth going back to the doctors or should I just try and get my head round the fact that its probably a physical effect of the anxiety?? I dont want to go on any medication and I'm scared that the doctor might try and send me down that route......

I want to go up to my anxiety, smile, put my arm around it and say to it caringly, 'Hey! How are you? How's your day been?'

Then, just as its about to answer me, I wanna throw a sack over it and give it a hiding within an inch of its life.

That would be nice.

09-10-06, 21:59
I can totally relate to what you are saying. Mine has been going on for the best part of this year. The symptoms (and there's lots!) sometimes go away for a while but as soon as I think about them, they are back, then I start worrying again. Or am I subconsciously worrying, then the symptoms come back, then I'm worrying more? Whatever, I am finding it really hard to deal with at the moment.

I too wonder about going back to the doctor. I am sure she will say stress, anxiety or something similar. Then she will suggest some kind of anti depressant, which I don't want. But I would like some reassurance that nothing has changed and I'm not terminally ill, they haven't missed something in the original diagnosis.

It'd be good if I could accept my symptoms and try and get my head around it that there is no cause for worry; sometimes I can do this when I'm in a good frame of mind but other times there's no convincing me!

I'm thinking of maybe going back to docs with my husband - as he too believes I shouldn't go down the route of medication - then I won't get talked into something I don't want (as I've done twice before!).

Hope you sort yourself out!
