View Full Version : anxiety and speech

30-06-13, 20:41
hi im new to this forum thing but i suffer from anxiety and have no one to talk to about it or to relate to. I wanted to know if anybody mixes up words when speaking because of it like instead of saying warm id say cold or id say put my fridge in the sandwich its really getting me worked up :( also wanted to know how other users feel most days with gad?

30-06-13, 20:52
Hi there! :)

I sometimes mix words up but I put it down to my age. ;) I'm sure you will find lots of people come along and say "Oh yes, me too!"

Welcome. :welcome:

30-06-13, 20:58
thank you i just have no one to talk to and ask if they feel the same my head is always going 100 miles per hour thinking up new things for me to worry about im starting to think im going crazy or losing it im only 22 and the worry is taking over my life :( thank you for your reply though means alot

30-06-13, 21:09
Hey, I'm sure you will be on here cheering me up one of these days! :)

30-06-13, 21:52
I get my mucking words fuddled all the time...lol
I read words wrong too.

30-06-13, 21:57
I do too..all the time :)

30-06-13, 22:01
its just started and got me a little worried because i feel stupid when talking to people thanks for replying :)

---------- Post added at 21:01 ---------- Previous post was at 20:57 ----------

as we speak im breathing really heavy and im really scared and dont know why im freaking out a bit :(