View Full Version : Hi is anyone taking Pregabalin

30-06-13, 20:55
Hi I'm new to this site, in fact I have never tried any kind of site before but everyone on here seems really nice. I have suffered from depression and GAD for longer that fifteen years and last year I was admitted to a psychiatric hospital after having a complete breakdown. I have been on various drugs over the years but I am now on Venlafaxine, Olanzapine and Pregablin, the Pregabalin being the most recent one (100mgs twice a day). I am still having difficulty sleeping even with all the prescription drugs but I am trying to be patient and wait for the Pregabalin to kick in as I have heard good things about it on this forum. I am slowly beginning to feel human again and the need to stay in bed all day and hide myself away from the world is descreasing. I want to live again, I want a normal life without feeling like a mental health patiant. I have had a tough time in the last three years and have lost my teenage children (they live with my ex-husband) who won't speak to me and I miss them terribly. I hope that someone will be able to tell me that things will get better and that my children will come back to me as I am more stable now than I have been in a long time.

30-06-13, 22:21
Hi Andrea,

It sounds like you've been through the mill over the past few years but are coming out the other side now. I take Pregabalin but have no experience of Olanzapine or Venlafaxine. I've been taking it for 5 months starting at 150mg a day and up to 450mg daily, I found it worked for the anxiety very quickly - within days but the dose was increased as the anxiety would peak through after a week at each lower dose. It helped me sleep well and the daytime drowsiness wore off quickly.

Things will get better as you feel better within yourself. I can't speak for your children, all I can do is imagine what they must feel. If I was a teenager and my mum was unwell I would feel scared, their refusal to talk to you at the moment is a way of protecting themselves from any hurt. Teenagers are wrapped up in their own world of school and friends but they want stability and to feel secure and loved no matter what. Have you tried writing to them? It may take some time for them to start communicating again but keep trying, tell them you miss them but don't make the letters too pleading or heavy - that's one sure way to turn away teenagers.

Take care