View Full Version : Feel like I'm going to die tonight

30-06-13, 21:13
Please someone reply to me I'm in a desperate state... Had a dental abscess for 7yrs flares up pretty bad iv been on metronidazole for 2 and half days ... Today feel so light headed, dizzy and hot feel like I'm literally going to keel over any moment. What if I die my child an dog are on there own in house no1 would know I'm dead for days don't keep in touch with my family every day, they would be locked in house what if dog ate my baby out of hunger or baby had a terrible accident no1 would know my dad an family live about half hrs drive away. What if iv got blood poisoning or a brain abscess or some complication from abscess or what if I'm having a terrible reaction to antibiotics ... I might die in my sleep. People say why do feel so anxious an down u have nothing to feel bad about but they are not in my head its like this evil black cloud overtakes my mind. This time though it feels different I think there is something seriously wrong with me. Someone please help me

30-06-13, 21:20
I could of wrote this, I always think what if I die while my bf is at work and my baby climbs out the window or has an accident how would my son cope with out me I work myself up aswell to the point I'm always on edge that I'm going to die suddenly, I can't even go out anymore incase I faint where I feel so dizzy and my son is left outside on his own he might run off and no one will help me. I don't think drs take me seriously either and could miss a major problem. I'm feeling very anxious today your not alone

30-06-13, 21:23
Please try to calm down, take some deep breaths and just think rationally. You WILL be ok. I understand what you are going through. You're panicking and it's a vicious circle setting your mind wandering.

Is there anyone you can call to talk or even someone who can pop round for an hour or so?

I hope you feel better soon :)

Loads of support on here


30-06-13, 21:28
I used to feel like that loads when my son was a baby, I had all these thoughts and feelings especially the worry what if I die whos going to look after my baby what this and that its awful. Do you have any support at all?

30-06-13, 21:29
I agree with Jase Sarah, nothing bad is going to happen please try and call someone just to put your mind at rest if there is no one to talk to call the Mental Health Line on 0300 5000 101 or the Samaritans on 0845 7909 090. Good luck Sarah take care of yourself.
Andrea xx

30-06-13, 21:30
Hi Sarah,
have you felt like this before? Were you still around the next day? Might it be the same this time?

Hang in there, you will be okay, people are here to talk to you if you need.

Gill x

30-06-13, 21:30
I've read your crippling fear of death thread....
Your not going to die...telling yourself you will though ,will cause all sorts of turmoil in your body..
. You need to calm down, like said, call someone, or if it makes you feel less anxious ,ask them to call a couple times tonight, then early in morning... That way you can lose the fear that if you die your child will be alone, as you know someone is calling early in morning.
Although you are NOT going to die.

30-06-13, 21:52
Poor you .... Isn't this anxiety awful? Try and remember these are just thoughts (easier said than done I know!). What if you had the thought that you were going to win the lottery, would you really believe that? Probably not, so lord knows why we only believe the negative thoughts! My husband says that if I was told 100 positive things and 1 negative, all I would focus on would be the negative one.... And he's right. You will be fine, and ring the Samaritans if you feel really panicky. It's a very lonely place when you are panicking in the night, so it's good to know you can pick up the phone and speak to a sympathetic listener until your panic subsides. Take care x

30-06-13, 21:55
If you ate a food that kept making you sick, you'd stop eating it...
Need to do the same with thoughts that make you ill ...

30-06-13, 22:17
Thank you everyone for the supportive messages I really appreciate it. Shelly15, I know that horrible feeling of leaving ur little defenceless child motherless I sometimes just look at her little beautiful face an feel in my heart how dear she is to me an get this horrible feeling of foreboding that I won't see her grow up :-( I also think that about doctors aswell they see me an think oh here comes that nutjob again ! X jase my friend came round before for an hr she left tho an felt it all kick in again iv had anxiety for 5 yrs now u think I would know how to handle it better wouldn't u? Sometimes I can sometimes I can't though an ppl think ohh she's off on one again they don't realise how horrendous it is x fluff I have my daddy he just lives abit far for a nondriver lol he is very supportive think he gets abit fed up of me suppose to someone who doesn't get it its like a endless annoying cycle x Andrea think I will give them a call thank you for message x Gill iv felt like this before unfortunately an I tell myself it's ok but sometimes I have overwhelming anxious feelings especially when I'm alone it's like my minds on fast forward playing consequences x stormsky I will do that for me though I get that terrible impending doom feeling likes its a 6th sense ... Ur right I am still here but each time I get like that its like a little voice says Ahhh but this time I'm right, I need help lol x jillyb haha my dad says that to me I can hear all the good in the world but hear one negative thing an I snatch it an cling to it doctor says I have severe health anxiety, OCD and death phobia... Well duhhhh:wacko: I do argue the toss to be fair an insist I am physically sick... God they must hate my face. Think my friends get sick of me to and they must be a tolerate bunch to actually answer the fone to me when I'm on one as they call it and answer all my ridiculous questions. Not actually sure why they are my friends lol... I miss who I used to be I always wonder will I go back to that or is this me now forever am I permently like this till I do actually die? X

30-06-13, 22:26
Only you can decide how long you stay like this..
I decided I'd had enough of it all, and did what I needed to do to recover..
I faced all my fears, the anxiety, my OCD probs, came off meds..
Unfortunately, theres no cure by tablet , only you can heal you..

30-06-13, 22:29
Sarah, I suffer from exactly
the same as you .... I hate it too! Am having cbt, but I know it all anyway, just can't seem to act on it! Sooooooo p.....d off with it! I rationalise it, then I don't, then I rationalise again, then I don't ..all day long, then I am exhausted and don't feel well, then I start worrying and catastrophyzing all over again. Got to stop the cycle somehow. Good luck and sleep well x

30-06-13, 22:49
Ah the old 'feel like I'm going to die today'. During bad times, I've considered it a good day if I didn't feel like this. To give you a crazier example from back when this all started and I had no idea what was wrong with me, I remember my dad picking me up from hospital one morning after I'd been in there overnight with palps or chest pain and feeling very bad. The battery in the car had died, and the clock set to a completely random time when he turned it on even though the date was fine. The time was something like 12:03, which happened to be the date a few days later. I couldn't help but worry that the battery dying when he tried to pick me up (never happened before) and the clock setting to that time was some sort of omen, and I was so relieved when the fourth of March rolled around. I knew it was probably total coincidence, but I couldn't help being scared.

And I know what it's like to think you must be boring the crap out of your friends too. HA does not make for great conversation :-/

01-07-13, 13:46
Stormsky I'm aware that only me can fix me ... Unfortunately I'm having trouble with that atm :-/ x jillyb ahhhh that vicious circle it's horrendous isn't it the worrying the manifestation of physical maladies then the absolute freak out and the desire to just sleep an forget for a while x freaked ... Omg iv had that kept seeing the number 11.11 everywhere well that sent me into orbit! I convinced myself I'm going to die on this time or date seen it absolutely everywhere then I stopped concentrating on it so much an stopped seeing it everywhere HA is very boring unless u suffer from it urself I think it's the grinding repetitiveness of it for people they must just think 'really again! Shut upppp' x